Category: Federal Issues

Leave the UN


Written by Bruce Walker

The United Nations is a grand failure that has never worked and will never work.  The idea of the U.N. was invented during the Second World War, when the term “United Nations” actually meant the wartime alliance of certain nations against other nations.

From the very beginning, the fact that the “United Nations” included the Soviet Union, which had conspired with Nazi Germany to begin the Second World War and which engaged in aggressive war and genocide just like Nazi Germany, was a sick joke. … Continue Reading

How Republicans Can Stop Obama’s Jihad Against Israel


Written by Daniel Horowitz

Republicans who are looking to commence 2017 with a bang now have an opportunity to put Democrats on defense on the very first day of the new Congress. Together with repealing Obamacare, defunding both the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations would go a long way to creating real change before Trump is even sworn into office.

Obama literally collaborates with terrorists against Israel

At this point, it is no longer an exaggeration to suggest that Obama is more anti-Israel than many Arab heads of state.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Calls Out the Smithsonian


Written by Chris Pandolfo

United States Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is calling on the leaders of the Smithsonian Institution to include a fair portrayal of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas‘ legacy in the museum’s “Making a Way Out of No Way” exhibit.

The Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture opened to great fanfare in September, but drew fire from the Right for excluding Justice Thomas — just the second African-American to sit on the U.S.… Continue Reading

Obama Speeds Up Influx of ‘Refugees’ Before Trump


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

According to the Refugee Processing Center, the Obama administration has already welcomed 23,248 individuals to the United States as “refugees” through the first 11 weeks of the 2017 fiscal year – almost doubling the 13,786 who were accepted for the same period in 2016.

Obama’s goal is to bring in as many refugees into America as possible through a concerted effort – before Trump takes over the presidency – says WND News Editor Leo Hohmann, who recently published the book Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad.… Continue Reading

Rex Tillerson: Trump’s Most Disastrous Pick

Image result for rex tillerson

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Trump has made his decision on the big cabinet post — secretary of State — and it’s ExxonMobil CEO, Rex Tillerson.

There is no way to sugarcoat this: Tillerson is a disastrous pick. Those who share the mentality of transnational corporate leaders like Tillerson are pre-conditioned to supporting the foreign policy establishment mindset on critical issues so as not to upset the applecart and what’s good for business.

While much of his issue portfolio is a blank slate, what we know about him and his past comments is disturbing.

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Will Obamacare Repeal Really Leave 30 Million without Insurance?


Written by Dr. Brian Joondeph

Repeal and replace.  That was and still is the Donald Trump promise for Obamacare.  Congressional Republicans are ready to join in.  Not that they haven’t been trying for the past six years, with over 60 attempts at repeal at the congressional level, all quickly dispatched by the Obama veto pen.

Now that there is a new sheriff in town, the veto threat is gone.  Repeal and replace may actually happen.  What will it mean?… Continue Reading

Pruitt Will Be a Game Changer at EPA

Written by Daniel John Sobieski

Personnel is policy, as they say, and despite his meeting with the High Priest of Climatology, Al Gore, president-elect Donald Trump’s pick of Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt to be the new head at EPA, shows Trump is serious about pulling back the curtain to expose climate fraud, leaving climate zealots as unsettled as the alleged “science” they trumpet.

Pruitt has already fought the various unconstitutional power grabs that essentially established it as the fourth and unelected branch of government.… Continue Reading

Most Americans Want Changes to Affordable Care Act



Written by Riely Brands and Frank Newport

Americans’ assessments of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remain relatively unchanged after the Nov. 8 election, with more continuing to disapprove (53%) than approve (42%) of the law. Going forward, the vast majority of Americans want to see the law changed. This includes the 37% who want it repealed and replaced, along with a total of 43% of Americans who want the law kept, but with major changes.… Continue Reading

Rafael Cruz Remembers Life in Cuba

Written by Bob Weir

To shed some light on the death of Fidel Castro, I did an interview with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz, who lived under the oppressive regime of the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Have you ever had experiences in which you felt as though your government was taking unfair advantage of you, and it seemed as though you had no power to do anything about it?  Have you written your congressman, senator, or county commissioner several times and only received form-letter responses?  … Continue Reading

It’s Time to Call out the Left’s Hypocrisy


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Please allow me a moment to vent.

I assure you that it will be controlled venting, without vitriol, hyperbole, or vindictiveness.

But venting it will be. Shall we call it holy venting?

Perhaps it will also reflect some of the holy frustration in your own heart.

But first, some caveats.

I do understand why many Americans are deeply upset with Donald Trump’s election, and up until election day, I said that I respected those who could not vote for him, urging them instead not to vote for Hillary.… Continue Reading