Category: Federal Issues

4 Likes, 2 Dislikes from Trump’s First 50 Days

Written by Jon Schweppe

Generally, the first 50 days of the Trump Administration have been an absolute joy to watch. The media and the Left have been apoplectic as President Donald J. Trump largely honors his campaign promises and does exactly what he said he would do. Truthfully, Trump has been everything we hoped he would be and more.

Still, that’s not to say there haven’t been some disappointments. Here are four things I like and two things I dislike from the first 50 days:

Like: U.S.

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How Taxpayers Fund Anti-Trump Protests

Image result for anti trump protest

Written by Cliff Kincaid

On “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump declared, in regard to the protests against him, “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.” Once again, Trump has struck gold. It’s “gold” in the form of taxpayer money. In addition to funding from billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, we find a federal financial connection to some of the anti-Trump protests.

The good news for Trump in this case is that his administration, supported by Republicans in Congress, can cut off the federal money.… Continue Reading

Does Religious Liberty Have a Friend in soon-to-be Justice Gorsuch?

Written by Noel W. Sterett

When it comes to religious liberty, America has long had the best laws. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution succinctly and powerfully states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Many state constitutions contain even stronger protections for religious liberty and recognize the God of the Bible as the foundation of good governance and the source of our liberty.… Continue Reading

Trump’s School Transgender Policies: Common Sense and Legal

Image result for transgender bathroom

Written by Peter Sprigg

Contrary to almost all the news reporting on this story, the real question addressed by the new administration’s guidance is not (at least not directly), “Which restrooms or locker rooms should students who identify as transgender use?”

Instead, it is something much simpler — “Who gets to decide?”

The answer that President Trump’s administration has now given is also simple: “Not us. Not the federal government.

The two Obama administration documents that have now been rescinded — a 2016 “Dear Colleague” letter to every school district in the country, and a lesser-known “opinion letter” issued January 2015 — asserted a specific interpretation of a specific federal law.

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Where Conservatives Are in the Trump Era: 15 Takeaways From Their Biggest Conference

Written by Katrina Trinko

Five weeks into President Donald Trump’s presidency, the first time in eight years a Republican has been in the White House, where do conservatives see the country going?

Here are highlights from The Daily Signal’s coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservatives:

1. Trump talks policy objectives.

In his speech, Trump emphasized a variety of issues that conservatives care about, saying, “We will build the wall and we are going to start soon,” as well as promising “a substantial upgrade for the military.”… Continue Reading

False Charges of Anti-Semitism

Written by Michael Medved

The bitter divisions in American life currently stem from politics as much as from differences in race, religion or economic status. Even tightly connected subgroups endure internal conflicts over President Donald Trump and his policies.

Jewish Americans, for instance, represent less than 2 percent of the national population but that community includes some of Trump’s harshest critics, as well as members of his staff and family, and some of his strongest supporters.… Continue Reading

Republicans Like Sen. McCain Should Give the President a ‘Honeymoon’


Written by John Biver

Love him or hate him or somewhere in-between, President Donald Trump‘s raucous start has seen unprecedented press coverage of the opposition to his activities. Whether it is a federal district court judge, Democratic leaders in Congress, or rioters and protesters in the streets, the left-leaning media has enjoyed reporting it all.

The traditional presidential “honeymoon”? Not a chance — and that became clear only days into the transition back in November.… Continue Reading

Neil Gorsuch Could Rule on These 3 Big Cases If He Joins Supreme Court Soon

Written by Fred Lucas

President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court could have a say in rulings on religious freedom, transgender bathrooms in schools, and private property rights, if he is confirmed before April 16.

Judge Neil Gorsuch of the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals met with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other senators Wednesday at the Capitol less than 24 hours after Trump announced his nomination.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.,… Continue Reading

7 Reasons Neil Gorsuch’s Nomination is Only the Beginning of Taking Back the Judiciary

Neil Gorsuch

Written by Daniel Horowitz

This week, President Donald Trump fulfilled his promise to nominate a very qualified and intelligent conservative judge. Neil Gorsuch is likely a very good pick. However, given the past history, the enormous post-constitutional pressure even in some circles of the conservative legal movement, and so much terrible court precedent, it is yet to be determined if Gorsuch has the resolve to not get sucked into the swamp.

This point was best encapsulated in a statement from U.S.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Rand Paul Offers Worthy Obamacare Alternative

Rand Paul

Written by Joshua Withrow

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. (A, 92%) has been nothing if not vocal about his belief that a new set of health care reforms should be voted on at the same time as a repeal of Obamacare. This week, Sen. Paul has revealed his proposal to replace Obamacare, by introducing S. 222, the Obamacare Replacement Act.

His bill is obviously designed to work in tandem with the partial repeal that was passed by Congress last year, in that it sweeps away the parts of Obamacare that the other bill leaves behind, particularly the regulations.… Continue Reading