Category: Federal Issues

The Borking of Lawrence VanDyke

Written by Laurie Higgins

It looks like yet another judicial nominee is being Borked by unscrupulous Democrats who may have an unconstitutional religious test for holding office.

Lawrence VanDyke, Harvard Law School graduate, former solicitor general of Montana and Nevada, and evangelical Christian, has been nominated to the largest, wildly liberal, and controversial 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Despite his stellar academic and professional background, a majority of the 15 members of the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary sent a shocking letter to the U.S.Continue Reading

Trump Moves to Protect Taxpayers From Immigrant Medical Bills. How About Border?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Here’s a novel question: We are all struggling with a cumbersome and expensive health care industry, trying to find ways to fix a broken system for Americans. Why on earth would we invite the rest of the world to access our system for free?

That was essentially the question pro-sovereignty figures in the Trump administration asked before they pushed for the new rule announced Friday to bar admission of those immigrants who show up at our hospitals without insurance or any way to pay out of pocket.… Continue Reading

Exposed: The Big Lie of The ‘Criminal Justice Reform’ Movement is Killing People — Including Police

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Every Democrat presidential candidate and too many Republicans repeat the lie that too many people are locked up for too long for first-time, non-violent offense. The dirty little secret is that most of the prison population is composed of repeat violent criminals, who are already given too many leniencies and not locked up long enough. Continuing this trend of loosening sentences, avoiding incarceration, and sometimes even avoiding arrests just to lower the prison population will induce a massive crime wave.… Continue Reading

Chicago Mayor Vows to Obstruct the Deportation of Illegal Aliens

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Last week as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) reportedly conducted the biggest one-day sweep in U.S. history, picking up 680 illegal workers in Mississippi, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reiterated that her city will not enforce immigration laws.

At a press conference, Lightfoot charged ICE with “terrorizing” and “traumatizing” immigrants, and defiantly stated that the city had “taken measures over the past few weeks to ensure the Chicago Police Department will not cooperate with ICE.” … Continue Reading

Give Americans The Right to Sue The Pants Off Sanctuary Jurisdictions

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Why is it that every single law designed to keep out illegal aliens gets turned on its head and every legal loophole gets magnified and exploited? That is because illegal aliens have tens of thousands of pro bono lawyers to distort the law on their behalf, but the sovereign American citizen has no legal help to enforce the laws that are being ignored or violated. One game-changing idea would be to give certain Americans standing to sue when immigration law is violated.… Continue Reading

Here’s How Far From CURRENT Law Our Border Debate Has Shifted

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In 2006, a super-majority of Congress passed the Secure Fence Act. It required that no less than 850 miles of double-layer fencing be constructed on our border. But it also codified a sense of purpose and a clearly defined mission for Border Patrol, to which everyone at the time agreed. It required the secretary of homeland security to “take all actions” necessary within 18 months of passage to “achieve and maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States” (emphasis added).… Continue Reading

The Democrats’ Open Border Campaign Strategy

Written by Robert Knight

So, here’s the Democrats’ plan: Flood America’s southern border with millions of illegal aliens, hook them on government aid and eventually turn them into voters. It can’t be more obvious anymore.

Use the courts to strike down any attempts to secure the border.  Have judges rule against election integrity laws like voter ID or even the commonsense question about citizenship in the 2020 national census. Once the census count is in, grant more congressional districts and federal funds to jurisdictions swelled with illegals.… Continue Reading

Census Citizenship Question Is Lose-Lose Issue for Democrats

Written by Scott Rasmussen

It’s not clear if President Donald Trump can win the legal battle to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census, but he’s already won in the court of public opinion.

A poll found that 73 percent of voters nationwide believe it is appropriate for the U.S. Census Bureau to ask residents whether they are citizens of the United States.

Just because a question might be considered appropriate doesn’t mean it should necessarily be asked.… Continue Reading

From the Redcoats to the Black Robes

Written by Daniel Horowitz

King George couldn’t hold a candle to the judicial despotism we are governed by some 12 score and three years after the colonists rebelled against what they thought were “intolerable acts.” Sure, there was some taxation without representation going on in the 1770s, but I think the colonists would have taken that any day if they were to see in their crystal ball the severity of today’s social transformation without representation.

We celebrate so much more than the founding of a new nation on July 4.… Continue Reading

Please Don’t Shut Up, AOC

Written by David Limbaugh

U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may seem harmless, but she’s a virtue signaler on steroids and a nonstop headline-manufacturing machine.

The left adores her, and for conservatives she’s a gift that keeps on giving –because she is either too naive or arrogant to rein herself in. Don’t listen to those who advise not to be roped into her spotlight-seeking trap. Give her all the attention she craves — and more rope.

AOC conspicuously put her foot in her mouth again, but she clearly likes the taste of it because she refuses to remove it.… Continue Reading