Category: CRT

SPOTLIGHT: The Worldview of Our Age

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this podcast episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Dr. Voddie Baucham regarding the issues of education, worldview, and critical race theory. The latter threatening to divide the Church and nation. There is an agenda to push a “false divide” between black and white people. In an interview with Christianity Daily, Dr. Baucham points out:

“So the Jew-Gentile divide that Paul talks about in the latter half of Ephesians 2, that is a real divide that God established.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Black Conservative Summit in Illinois

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

“Every Republican who lives in Illinois
who really wants to see the strength of the party grow

needs to be at the Black Conservative Summit. . .”
~Rev. Ceasar LeFlore (aka “Bishop of Truth”)

Dr. Eric Wallace, the founder and executive director of the Freedom Journal Institute, is hosting a very important event this month that every conservative should endeavor to attend. He is hosting The Black Conservative Summit on the weekend of March 24th & 25th at the Tinley Park Convention Center in the southwest suburbs.… Continue Reading

The Brooklyn Shooting And The Rise of Black Nationalism

Written by Daniel Horowitz

You can’t blame the FBI for seemingly missing every mass shooter or domestic terrorist. After all, the bureau is stretched thin hatching kidnapping plots in Michigan, investigating garage door ropes, and finding anyone who was within a half a mile of the Capitol on January 6. But what about those who are obsessed with white supremacism? Aren’t they the least bit concerned that most of the recent mass casualty shootings and domestic terror attacks appear to be committed by black nationalists?… Continue Reading

The Tormenting Plague Produced by Critical Race Theory and Liberation Theology

Written by Kevin McGary

What plagues or torments you? Family? Economy? Uncertainty? Crime and chaos in the streets? Political conditions?

When considering why they’re most tormented, most people think in these general terms. Rarely do we consider going beyond the “general” to delve into the depths of the essential criteria; the foundations of our eternal being; the condition of our immortal soul and its relative torment.

We live in a fallen world. In this world, we are all tormented at some level.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Counterfeit Justice: The Truth About Critical Race Theory

Written by David E. Smith

As we anticipate our upcoming 2022 Worldview Conference on February 26, this edition of Spotlight takes a look back at the 2021 conference. The focus for last year’s event was Critical Race Theory – a topic that is still very much in the news today. In her presentation, Counterfeit Justice: The Truth About Critical Race Theory, Angela Sailor outlines her opposition to the Marxist ideology movement and offers encouragement and practical suggestions for parents, and all Christians, who are ready to take a stand against federal overreach in education, identity politics, revisionist history and CRT.… Continue Reading

Critical Race Theory: Myths, Marxism, and More

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

Few modern topics have become as divisive as critical race theory, which is no surprise, given that CRT divides. It divides people into groups pitted against one another, into categories of oppressed vs. oppressor. What’s worse, your group defines you. This certainly flies in the face of the Judeo-Christian conception of all individuals as children of God made in the image of God.

What’s making CRT even worse are misunderstandings and misconceptions on both sides, from the left and the right.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: “Critical Grace Reality”

Written by Benjamin Smith

Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Is it possible they are attempting to be justified by works – dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves? This phenomenon is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel they are the chosen “race” or are told they are inherently evil and can only be “saved” by adhering to the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading

Trump Squeezing the Lifeblood Out of Money-Sucking Critical Race Theory Hucksters

Written by Laurie Higgins

On June 29, 2020, Karen Attiah, the black, 34-year-old Global Opinions editor for Jeff Bezos’ liberal rag the Washington Post and Fulbright scholar who received her bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and master’s degree from Columbia University, tweeted this:

The lies and tears of White women hath wrought:

-The 1921 Tulsa Massacre

-Murder of Emmet Till

-Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements

-53% of white women voting for Trump.Continue Reading