Category: Faith & Religion

Nearly 40 Evangelical Groups Ask, ‘Who is the REAL Donald Trump?’


Written by The FAMiLY LEADER

Donald Trump remains one of the biggest stories of the year.

He also remains a bit of an enigma – a man whose pro-life, pro-family promises don’t seem to match up with his record or his behavior. And despite multiple invitations by our partners at CitizenLink to clarify the seeming contradictions, Mr. Trump has refused to resolve the very questions Americans need to have answered before they can vote for him in good conscience.… Continue Reading

Time to Pray, Time to Seek the Face of Almighty God


Written By Rev. James McDonald

There is no doubt about it, many of us are hoping that 2016 will bring real change. Remembering back to the mantras of 2008, there were those who were anticipating “hope and change.” However, what we have seen over the course of the past eight years is not only more of the same, but a continual slide into social, economic, international, and moral chaos. And as a result, we continue to petition the Throne of Heaven, seeking real and fundamental change.… Continue Reading

If You Vote For A Godless Man, You Are Asking For Tyranny


Written by Matt Walsh

It’s very simple. If a man has no moral center, if he has ambition but no faith, if he does not demonstrate humility or integrity, I will never vote for him for president. I don’t care who he is, what he’s done, what he says, or what positions he holds. None of that will matter when we are living under his tyranny, and tyranny is sure to follow when you give unspeakable power to a man who believes he is God.… Continue Reading

Merry Christmas!

Prince of Peace

Written by David E. Smith

Christmas is just two days away. Parking spaces at malls and big-box stores are at a premium and many of the most popular toys and electronic gadgets are in short supply. While some last minute shoppers will dodge raindrops (no snowflakes this year) in their search for the final presents on their lists, others will click away at the computer, placing online orders and crossing their fingers that priority shipping will deliver their packages on time.… Continue Reading

Why Liberals Condemn Prayer

Written by Tom Trinko

In the wake of the California shootings, some liberals are mocking people of other faiths for trusting in prayer.

That’s because those liberals view themselves as “gods”; and they are jealous “gods” who will brook no other gods before them. We can see this in two key ways:

  • Those liberals believe that praying to themselves will change reality just as people of faith believe that their God will intercede in times of need.
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Why Every Christian Should Be Political

Bible in Hand

Written by JG Smoothy

Most of the subjects I write about come as a result of me ranting away to my wife about the so-called democratic process in North America. As a member of the clergy, I find myself leagues more political than my contemporaries. It’s whispered “That JG is a radical!” because I find myself not afraid to alienate myself (ultimately not my goal) from those who believe that Christianity needs to be separate from any form of politics.… Continue Reading

Highly Religious Republicans Don’t Like Trump


Written by Frank Newport

Late in August New York Times columnist Frank Bruni expressed puzzlement over what he cited as Donald Trump‘s high level of support among evangelical Republicans. A piece this week in The Christian Post similarly, albeit from a different perspective, ponders why Trump is “receiving so much support from evangelicals.” CNN carried a recent report on the battle for evangelical voters between Trump and Ben Carson. A recent report in The Wall Street Journal indicatedthat Donald Trump plans on meeting with evangelical leaders later in September in his office.… Continue Reading

Ronald Reagan’s Wisdom

Reagan_freedom_QuoteContinue Reading

Rick Perry Says Ban on Gay Boy Scout Leaders Should Have Stood; Scott Walker Argues Troops Should Decide For Themselves


Written By Stoyan Zaimov

Two GOP presidential candidates, former Texas Governor Rick Perry and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, have weighed in on the Boy Scouts of America’s vote last week to remove the long-standing ban on gay leaders in troops. While Perry said the ban should have stood, Walker argued the troops should decide for themselves.

“I believe that Scouting would be better off if they didn’t have openly gay scoutmasters,” Perry, who is an Eagle Scout along with Walker, told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday

Earlier in July, the BSA executive committee voted unanimously to remove the blanket ban, but said that individual scout troops will be allowed to set their own policy on whether to allow gay leaders or not.… Continue Reading

Don’t Lose Heart!


Written by David E. Smith

A poem by Rev. Maltbie Davenport Babcock (1858-1901), best known as the author of the hymn “This is My Father’s World,” expresses how I believe Christians must approach the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage.

The words of his poem “Be Strong” are ones that ought to be on every believer’s heart and mind today and in the days to come.

“Be Strong”

Be Strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle – face it; ‘tis God’s gift. Continue Reading