Chicago Tribune Dumps on Ives

Written by Laurie Higgins

Last week the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board, columnist Eric Zorn, columnist Rex Huppke, and “reporter” Kim Janssen all took shots at gubernatorial candidate Jeanne Ives’ campaign ad.

The Ives campaign released an ad that criticized policies using actors to depict the constituencies Bruce Rauner serviced through his boneheaded Leftist decisions, and Leftists became apoplectic. Actually, they mainly cared about the depiction of a cross-dressing man—or what the Left risibly calls a “transwoman” to conceal the existential and immutable reality of his sex.… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Bring the Southern Poverty Law Center to Justice

Written by Tom DeWeese

There are many powerful forces operating today across the nation to divide the American people and silence opposing views. One of the most active of these efforts is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

There are two very serious reasons why the SPLC is in many ways more dangerous than other organizations that are fueling the flames of the far left radicals who use violence and lies to stop honest political debate.… Continue Reading

The Missing Democratic Agenda

Written by Matthew Continetti

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in Elizabeth Warren‘s house as people went crazy over the prospect of Oprah 2020. I can only imagine Warren’s reaction. Did she yell at the TV? Mutter under her breath? Immediately call her media consultant in panic?

We know the slight got to her. By midweek she was making the rounds on cable. There she was, with Mark Warner of Virginia, reminding us of her existence, talking about God knows what, and smiling uncomfortably when asked, inevitably, what she thought of the Lady O.… Continue Reading

Why Liberals Need to Look Down on Conservatives

Written by Selwyn Duke

A common theme among progressives is that conservatives aren’t just wrong; they’re dumb.  Reagan was dumb.  G.W. Bush was dumb.  Trump is dumb.  “Knuckle-dragger,” “mouth-breather,” “stupid,” and “uncultured” are typical pejoratives hurled at conservatives, who apparently tend to live in trailer parks, require dental care, handle snakes, and marry first cousins.  Why, I had a liberal actor (excuse the redundancy) tell me once that I wasn’t necessarily bad, just not as “evolved” as he was.  … Continue Reading

How the Left Became So Intolerant

Written by Kim Holmes

When most people think of intolerance, they imagine a racist taunting a black person. Or they think of the white supremacist who killed a demonstrator in Charlottesville, Virginia.

It seldom occurs to them that intolerance comes in all political shapes and sizes.

A protester storming a stage and refusing to let someone speak is intolerant. So, too, are campus speech codes that restrict freedom of expression. A city official threatening to fine a pastor for declining to marry a gay couple is every bit as intolerant as a right-winger wanting to punish gays with sodomy laws.… Continue Reading

Fairy Tale Lessons for the Merchants of Doom

Written by Michael Medved

Two famous children’s stories, “Chicken Little” and “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” convey an important message for today’s gloom-peddling Left. In both tales, frightened main characters warn of impending disaster—”the sky is falling” or a rampaging wolf will devour the innocent.

In both cases, the protagonists ultimately lose credibility and hyperventilating hysterics in politics and punditry face the same fate. According to prestigious progressives, the end of “net neutrality” means collapse of free media, the GOP tax cuts will tank the economy and crush the middle class, and withdrawal from the Paris Accords signals environmental apocalypse.… Continue Reading

WATCH: CNN Worries Tax Bill Will Help GOP, Hints At Conspiracy Theory

Written by Ryan Saavedra

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday to talk about whether Democrats would work with President Donald Trump and his agenda in 2018 and was greeted by a conspiracy-minded CNN host.

Toward the end of the segment, CNN host Alisyn Camerota brought up the recent GOP tax bill that Trump signed into law and how numerous businesses were giving their employees bonuses and raising the minimum wages at their companies because of it.… Continue Reading

I Am A Climate Denier

Written by William Briggs

The latest meeting of the UN to discuss the redistribution of your money because of “climate change” has just concluded.

Here’s one headline generated by the event: “Pope Francis says those who deny climate change have ‘perverse attitudes’“.

The pontiff, during remarks made to negotiators at climate talks in Germany, called climate change “one of the most worrisome phenomena that humanity is facing.” He added efforts to combat climate change are held back by those who deny the science behind it, are indifferent or resigned to it, or think it can be solved by technical solutions.

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Why So Much Hatred Against Christians in America Today?

By Dr. Michael Brown

On Sunday, the day of the church massacre, cultural commentator David French tweeted, “The amount of anti-Christian hate on Twitter the same day Christians were massacred is stunning and chilling.”

If ever there was a time when we might have expected sympathy for Christians, or at least restraint in attacking them, the opposite proved true far too many times. Why?

On Fox News, Laura Ingraham noted that some of the reactions to the shooting pointed to “elite hostility to people of faith,” stating that “hostility to faith infects the popular culture.”… Continue Reading

Trump Should Ignore Judge on Transgenders

Written by Bryan Fischer

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly is a lowly U.S. District Court judge in the District of Columbia. She is not the Commander-in-Chief.

Yet she has somehow appointed herself commandant of the entire United States military in an astonishing display of hubris and judicial supremacy. She ruled this week that transgenders must be allowed to serve in the military, overturning the president’s executive order on the matter.

U.S. Senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore, who knows a thing or two about confronting an out-of-control judiciary, today called for this judge’s impeachment, and of course he is right to do so.… Continue Reading