Jeb Under Fire for Adviser’s Keynote to Anti-Israel Group


Written by Alana Goodman

Potential presidential contender Jeb Bush is coming under fire from the pro-Israel community ahead of his foreign policy adviser’s scheduled keynote address to a left-wing Middle East activist group on Monday night.

Bush adviser James Baker, the former secretary of state under President George H.W. Bush and a long-time critic of America’s close relationship with Israel, is slated to speak at the annual conference for J Street, a lobbying group that advocates for increased U.S.… Continue Reading

Republicans want a better life for you that Democrats can’t stand

Written by Diana Furchtgott-Roth
With the publication of the House and Senate budget resolutions this week, the contrast between Republicans and Democrats could not be more stark.

Democrats want to take care of you. Republicans want you to get ahead.

It is not just that President Obama’s budget, released in February, projects an $687 billion deficit in 2025, up from $486 billion this year, and the Republican budget projects a surplus. It’s that Democratic proposals are centered on keeping people safe, and Republican proposals are focused on helping them get better jobs and higher incomes.… Continue Reading

Liz Warren: The Next Obama

Federal Reserve Hearing

Written by James Lewis

The radical left is never satisfied with its power.  It always wants more.  Two terms as president won’t satisfy Obama’s power-lust.

On December 12, 2014, CNN reported that “300 ex-Obama staffers” had written a public letter urging first-term senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to run for president.

Obama could have stopped that move from his homeys.  He chose not to, and probably encouraged it behind the scenes.

A few days ago, Robert Reich was quoted by our trustworthy media to the effect that “Elizabeth Warren would be a strong primary challenger to Hillary Clinton.”  … Continue Reading

Abortion Politics Derails U.S. Senate’s Anti-Human Trafficking Bill

mitch-mcconnellWritten by Stoyan Zaimov

The U.S. Senate was criticized for blocking an anti-human trafficking bill on Tuesday because Senate Democrats objected to the inclusion of anti-abortion language.

“Stopping human trafficking is too important a priority to be held hostage by the abortion lobby’s culture-warring,” Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said in a statement.

“I urge the Senate to think about vulnerable women and children in peril, rather than about the political maneuvers of the abortion-industrial complex.”… Continue Reading

Taking Christ’s Name in Vain, Biden Blasts Biblical Marriage ‘Bigots’


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

While addressing one of the nation’s leading homosexual activist groups on Friday in the nation’s capital, Vice President Joe Biden used the name of Jesus Christ in vain while defending the claim of the LGBT community that homosexuality is hereditary.

What’s your reaction to Vice President Biden’s comments to the Human Rights Campaign?

Biden was challenging prospective Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s assertion last week that homosexuality is a choice … a learned behavior — not a gender or inherent biological state of being.… Continue Reading

Watchdog: Hillary in ‘damage control’ mode over emails

File photo of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton checking her PDA upon her departure in a military C-17 plane from Malta bound for Tripoli

Written by Chad Groening

A new conservative watchdog group dedicated to exposing unethical behavior in government isn’t confident Hillary Clinton will turn over all the emails from the personal account she used while secretary of state under Barack Obama.

Clinton’s successor, John Kerry, has pledged that the State Department will move immediately to review emails that Clinton wrote on her personal account when she was secretary of state. The former first lady had urged the State Department to release the emails in question.… Continue Reading

Here’s What The Unemployment Rate Looks Like If You Add Back Labor Force Dropouts


Written by Sean Davis

The Department of Labor announced today that the official unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent last month, the lowest it’s been since Spring of 2008. Good news, right? Well, kind of. The official unemployment rate masks a problem that’s been plaguing the economy since shortly before the 2009 recession: a continuing decline in the labor force participation rate, which basically measures the percentage of the able-bodied population that’s either working or looking for work.… Continue Reading

How Frank Marshall Davis Transformed America

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Written by Cliff Kincaid

When Rudolph Giuliani mentioned that President Barack Obama, as a young man, was under the influence of Communist Party member and suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis, Giuliani struck a nerve. In contrast to his claim that Obama didn’t love America, his remarks about the Davis-Obama relationship were not opinion, but fact. That is why a Washington Post fact-checker has been assigned to investigate Giuliani’s claim. We shall see whether the Post, at this late date, covers a story that could have been Pulitzer Prize-winning material more than seven years ago.… Continue Reading

Ted Cruz Bashes Obama for Calling 21 Coptic Christians Beheaded by ISIS ‘Egyptian Citizens;’ Accuses President of ‘Orwellian Doublespeak’


Written by Samuel Smith

Speaking at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday, Texas Senator and potential 2016 presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, bashed President Barack Obama for labeling the the 21 Coptic Christians beheaded by the Islamic State in mid-February as “Egyptian citizens.”

Cruz also attacked the Obama administration for continuously ignoring the fact that most of today’s international terror troubles are caused by “radical Islamic terrorists.” Cruz asserted that America needs a leader that will not just identify the radical Islamic threat from groups like the Islamic State but also protect the liberty of international Christians.… Continue Reading

Truth-Telling and the Right of Self-Government: Why Obama’s Marriage Lie Matters


Written by Carson Holloway

The right of self-government depends upon the ability of voters to give their informed consent in choosing elected officials. If candidates lie, self-government becomes impossible.

When running for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama misled the voters about his true position on the question of same-sex marriage. This is not an accusation made by one of the president’s political enemies, but an admission made by one of his closest political advisors: David Axelrod.… Continue Reading