Posts tagged: World Economic Forum

COVID-19 Government Censorship: How Big Med Operates

Written by Robert Knight

If there were any doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic exposed widespread corruption in America’s health care establishment, a federal lawsuit should put it to rest.

Filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, Murthy v. Missouri accuses the Biden administration of censoring medical views it dislikes.

So, what did the American Medical Association do? The doctors guild lined up with the censors in an amicus brief.

That’s right. It’s their way or the highway, science be damned.… Continue Reading

Will The Omnibust Finally Push Conservatives to Rebel Against The GOP?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians
is the number one priority for the United States right now
according to most Republicans. That’s how we see the challenges
confronting the country at the moment.”
 ~Mitch McConnell

Everything that is wrong with this country is embodied in the 4,155-page omnibus bill negotiated by Mitch McConnell and supported by the majority of U.S. Senate Republicans. Like all bills that fleece the American people, it was dropped in a massive cardboard box at 1:23 a.m.… Continue Reading

The Mad Titans of Climate Change and Their ‘Infinity War’

Written by Laura Hollis

In the Marvel film “Avengers: Infinity War,” Thanos, a superbeing from another planet, is seeking six gems — the Infinity Stones — to put into the Infinity Gauntlet, a weapon which, when completed, enables the one who wears it to extinguish half of all life in the universe with just a snap of his fingers.

Thanos is cast as a supervillain, but he thinks of himself as an altruist. He explains to another Marvel character, Dr.… Continue Reading