Written by Trevor Grant Thomas
As much as conservatives in America love capitalism, many U.S. capitalists sure seem to hate conservatives—especially Christian conservatives. On virtually every issue important to conservatives of all stripes, large U.S. corporations (“Big Corp” for this column) stand opposed—almost unanimously!—to American conservatives.
In other words, to the detriment of America and the truth, Big Corp has gone “woke.” Coca-Cola provides the most recent and egregious example of gross corporate wokeness. According to a whistleblower, Coca-Cola is forcing its employees to complete online training that instructs them on “What it Means to Be White” and how to “Try and be less white.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Smith, Al Perrotta, Amazon, anti-white diversity training, Apple, AT&T, Best Buy, Big Corp, Black Lives Matter, Brian Schuster, Capital One, Chevron, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Dell, Delta Airlines, Dominos, Donald J. Trump, E-TRADE, Equality Act, Food Lion, Gatorade, General Motors, Google, Hershey, IBM, Intel, Joe Biden, Johnson & Johnson, Jordan Davidson, Kellogg, MasterCard, Mattel, Microsoft, Netflix, New York Post, Nike, PepsiCo, Sony, Starbucks, Target, Texas Instruments, The Federalist, The Wealth of Nations, Trevor Grant Thomas, Uber, Under Armour, Warner Records, wokeness
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
March 4, 2021 9:00 AM |
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(and Nothing New)

Written by David Limbaugh
Conservatives and other Barack Obama critics are entitled to a big “I told you so,” after Obama’s stunning admission that he doesn’t believe there’s that much difference between communism and capitalism.
Actually, it’s not that stunning to people paying attention. Many of us warned about Obama’s Marxist sympathies before he was first elected president, and we’ve repeatedly pointed it out during his presidency. Obama was raised and mentored by communists and spent many years engaged in community organizing (radical leftist activism).… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Castro, Communism, Marxism, Milton Friedman, Progressive Socialism, Raul Castro, Robert Bartley, Ted Cruz, The Wealth of Nations, Thomas Sowell
Federal Elections, Federal Issues, Political | David E. Smith |
April 2, 2016 4:00 AM |
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