Posts tagged: Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving to Almighty God

On behalf of the Illinois Family Action — and my own family — I want to wish a very happy Thanksgiving to you all.

During this weekend, as we gather together with relatives, friends and neighbors to thank God for His many blessings, we want to thank you so much for your prayers and support over the years.

Our national Thanksgiving holiday dates to 1789, when Congress unanimously passed a resolution proclaiming a National Day of Thanksgiving, “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the many signal favors of Almighty God…”

It is good and right to pause from business as usual to give God honor, worship and our sincere gratitude for His many blessings in our lives and for His blessings of family, friends, and freedom.… Continue Reading

First Thanksgiving Reminds Us To Give Thanks In Everything

Imagine fleeing from your homeland after experiencing severe persecution for your faith, losing friends during a harsh winter in the New World, and barely surviving diseases like scurvy. These harsh events, and more, begin to describe what the Pilgrims went through in 1620 and 1621.

Looking back at the Pilgrims’ lives in Europe, they had good reason to leave everything behind and set out for the New World. The Church of England was under the rule of King Charles I, and political elites ruled over religious establishments.… Continue Reading

American History Down the Memory Hole?

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcomb

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, but is this holiday becoming so politically incorrect that one day it will be doomed to be sent down the “memory hole”?

There is a war on American history. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Antifa and other leftwing groups toppled more historical statues. Tyler O’Neil of PJ Media (11/28/20) describes the extent of this vandalism, which included the spray-painting of anti-Thanksgiving messages and statues torn down in Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, and Spokane.… Continue Reading