Written by Nancy Hayes
Republicans’ new idea for winning the upcoming 2024 election is a nationwide campaign they’re calling “Bank Your Vote,” a Republican National Committee (RNC) strategy that is trickling back to the GOP in the states, including in Illinois.
The gist of it is, that local GOP officials are encouraging Republicans to vote early in 2024. The campaign is meant to maximize pre-Election Day voting through in-person voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ballot harvesting, Bank Your Vote, Bank Your Vote or Go For Broke?, county clerk, Dr. Douglas Frank, Election integrity, Elections, Electronic Registration Information Center, Freedom of Information Act, Heritage Foundation, III, James A. Baker, JB Prtizker, Jean Kaczmarek, Jimmy Carter, Judicial Watch, Public Interest Legal Foundation, Republican National Committee, Seth Keshel, Voter Fraud, voter rolls, Voting
Federal Elections, Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Political, Voter Integrity, Voter Integrity, Voter Integrity | Alyssa Sonnenburg |
August 25, 2023 5:00 AM |
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Written by Nancy Hayes
In 2020, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote an article about voter rolls in America. On the heels of the Democrat’s push for vote by mail, their research revealed a large number of deceased registrants still on the voter rolls. It’s no wonder many Americans, let alone those in Illinois, don’t have much confidence in the system. After all, it would seem that if we could get rid of dead voters still on the rolls, eliminate duplicate registrants, or remove those who have moved, we would gain more confidence in the system.… Continue Reading
Tags: Cheryl Hobson, Deceased Registrations, deceased voters, Help America Vote Act, Illinois State Board of Elections, Kyle Thomas, Motor Voter Law, National Voter Registration Act of 1993, Public Interest Legal Foundation, Social Security Death Index, Steve Sandvoss, Voting Rights Act
Illinois Politics, Voter Integrity | David E. Smith |
February 22, 2023 11:59 AM |
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Written by Laura Hollis
The political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be as unpredictable as the virus itself, and as potentially monumental as the financial losses it has caused. Although the November election is still almost five months away, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading the charge for states to have mandatory mail-in ballots, purportedly in the interests of public safety.
Some people — including the ever-vocal President Donald Trump — view mandatory mail-in voting as a prescription for widespread voter fraud.… Continue Reading
Tags: Ballot harvesting, Barack Obama, Coronavirus, COVID–19, Department of Justice, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, J. Christian Adams, Jessica Huseman, Nancy Pelosi, photo ID, ProPublica, Public Interest Legal Foundation, Twitter, vote by mail, Voter Fraud
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
May 28, 2020 6:00 AM |
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Written by Rachel Del Guidice
A conservative legal organization has uncovered that Virginia election officials removed thousands of voters between 2011 and May 2017.
In a report released Tuesday, the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative legal group, found 5,556 voters were removed because they were noncitizens and that one-third of the removed citizens voted illegally.
Hans von Spakovsky, a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a board member of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, told The Daily Signal in an email that the findings of the report are alarming.… Continue Reading