Posts tagged: precinct committeeman

Rebuilding the Illinois GOP

Written by Jon A. Zahm

By Allowing EVERY GOP Primary Voter an Equal Vote for Party Leadership

When you donate money to the Illinois Republican Party to fight back against President Joe Biden, Governor JB Pritzker, and the supermajority of liberal Democrats in both chambers of the General Assembly, how are the funds spent?

It is up to a 17-member governing board, the State Central Committee (SCC), one person from each Congressional District chosen by party insiders ranging from Precinct Committeemen to Township Committeemen to County Chairmen.… Continue Reading

“What Can I Do?” You Can Run For Precinct Committeeman!

Written by John Biver

Years before the rise of the Tea Party movement some of the more common questions among conservatives at political events were, “What can be done?” “What’s the plan?” “What can I do?”

Before I answer those questions, take a few minutes and read Fay Voshell’s article over at American Thinker, “The Little Hand.” If Voshell’s powerful writing doesn’t move you to action, nothing will.

Here’s Voshell:

Sometimes in the life of our nation there comes a tipping point during which a horror of such great magnitude is revealed so clearly the response can only be universal revulsion and outrage.

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(More) Conservative Christians (Still) Needed to Rescue Illinois

Written by John Biver

The above (slightly altered) title, which was added to a recent post after I wrote it, is too good to use only once. Conservative Christians are needed — and it is a rescue mission.

Is Illinois too far gone? Too many big problems that can’t be solved?

No and no. As bad as things are, Illinois can be saved. This state has many advantages — from it’s Midwestern location to its transportation systems, its natural resources, its number of great communities, businesses, churches and people.… Continue Reading

Walk the Precinct, Change Illinois

Written by John Biver

Here is the second of two videos aimed at encouraging more Christian conservatives to run for Precinct Committeeman. IFA’s Dave Smith is joined by northern Illinois activist Jan Klaas, and the Illinois Leadership Project’s chairman Jim Edwards.

Here is Dave’s strong introduction to this important and informative discussion:

I really want our viewers and our listeners to understand that the state of Illinois is in the position that its in right now…because people of faith — conservative Christians are just not engaged the way they should be… If more of us were engaged things would look a lot different.

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Conservative Christians Needed to Step Up

Monte Larrick’s introduction to the video posted below says it well:

“You see and feel what’s happening in Illinois…high taxes…fiscal chaos…businesses and your hard-working friends leaving the state…a liberal social agenda…and we can’t just blame Democrats for the mess in Illinois when too many Republicans are contributing to our state’s downfall.”

While there is much to cause despair, the truth is that Christian conservatives can make a huge impact — especially when it comes to the workings of the Republican Party.… Continue Reading

Get Involved Locally. You Might Just Save the Country.

Written by David E. Smith

Lest you think Illinois Family Action is being overly dramatic with that headline, you should know that we borrowed it from The Daily Signal, the news publication of the renowned Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C.

In the article, writer Slade O’Brien lays out an encouraging argument for Americans to get involved:

While much of the media focuses on lawmakers in Washington clunking heads and getting little done, the common narrative has been that change is a pipedream.

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Christian Conservatives Needed to Rescue Illinois (Illinois Family Spotlight #058)

In this, the first of two podcasts aimed at encouraging more Christian conservatives to run for Precinct Committeeman, IFA’s Dave Smith, northern Illinois activist Jan Klaas, and the Illinois Leadership Project’s chairman Jim Edwards lay out the facts concerning this critical post.

Please listen to it, share it with like-minded friends, and consider running for and/or helping to recruit candidates for GOP Precinct Committeeman.

Read more about becoming a precinct committeeman HERE.

Watch a video recording of this podcast HERE.… Continue Reading

HELP WANTED: Precinct Committeemen

Precinct Committeeman

Written by Doug Ibendahl

A Republican Precinct Committeeman represents the Republican voters of her or his precinct at the County Party level.

But most importantly, a Republican Precinct Committeeman is the face of the GOP within the precinct. A Republican Precinct Committeeman may be the only party official many voters ever meet in person.

This volunteer position is really what one makes of it. Some do more than others. But the Republican Precinct Committeeman’s job is in essence all about helping to grow the GOP and working to deliver the maximum number of Republican votes from his or her precinct on Election Day.… Continue Reading

Special IFA Webinar Meeting About Precinct Committeeman

John Adams quote

Written by David E. Smith

On Thursday, October 15th, Illinois Family Action will host a special webinar meeting to discuss the need to recruit conservative precinct committeeman.  This elected position is extremely important.  Unfortunately, a majority of precinct committeeman positions remain vacant.

Join me and DuPage County Auditor Bob Grogan to learn about becoming a precinct committeeman in your neighborhood.

The old adage is true, “all politics are local.” And the precinct committeeman is the most direct contact point for the voters in your neighborhood.… Continue Reading