Written by David E. Smith
The hope in a “Red Wave” election didn’t come to fruition in November. The work to flip the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to Republican control produced mixed results.
The GOP barely gained control of the U.S. House, which means Nancy Pelosi will no longer be the Speaker of the U.S. House, and third in line to the presidency.
Of our state’s 17 Congressional seats, three downstate districts have Republican representation, as we lost one to redistricting and one to a Democrat candidate in the newly redrawn 13th district in central Illinois.… Continue Reading
Tags: Amendment 1, Bill Brady, Bob Dold, Bruce Rauner, Chicago Sun-Times, Cindy Bailey, Darren Bailey, Democratic Party, Illinois General Assembly, Illinois Republican Party, JB Pritzker, Jim Durkin, Jim Edgar, Kirk Dillard, Leslie Munger, Liberal media, Mark Kirk, Nancy Pelosi, Parental Notice of Abortion Act, Peter Roskam, RINO, Ronald Reagan, Worker's Right
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
November 15, 2022 6:00 AM |
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Written by Cal Skinner
McHenry County Blog – Former Illinois State Representative
In 2010 State Senator Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) lost the gubernatorial race to Pat Quinn by 31,834 votes–less than one percentage point. Brady took a pounding from the pro-abortion Personal PAC’s television ads starting in early August.
Unlike Bill Clinton in his 1992 contest against George Bush, Brady never responded when he was attacked. On the abortion issue, he stood there like a punching bag and took the blows.… Continue Reading
Tags: Bill Brady, Joe Walsh, Kevin Burnett, Mike Madigan, Pat Quinn, Penny Pullen, Personal PAC, Peter Roskam, Randy Hultgren, Rosemary Mulligan, Tammy Duckworth
Illinois Politics, Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
February 8, 2019 6:00 PM |
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The Illinois Family Action (IFA) Board of Directors enthusiastically endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 6th District. Kinzler, a medical doctor and Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, fully understands the importance of family, the sanctity of life, and the definition of marriage. Dr. Kinzler has a proven record in local government reining in waste and corruption. His commitment to accountability in government will help efforts to stop the continued out-of-control spending in Congress.… Continue Reading
Tags: Equal Rights Amendment, James Marter, Jay Kinzler, Mark Kirk, Peter Roskam, Planned Parenthood, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, same-sex marriage
Federal Elections, Illinois Politics, Political | David E. Smith |
February 26, 2016 11:33 AM |
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