Written by Illinois Family Action
Illinois Family Action was contacted by another dad, whose story deepened our concerns about the race for Illinois Supreme Court and about the Democrat Candidate, Judge Elizabeth Rochford.
A third person has reached out, unsolicited and previously unknown to us, who felt compelled to share their story of injustice and bias, at the hands of Judge Rochford. (The same Elizabeth Rochford who donated to corrupt and indicted Chicago Alderman, Ed Burke and is getting millions from Governor J.B.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2020 Election, abortion, Ann Burke, Corruption, Democrat, discrimination, Ed Burke, Election integrity, Elizabeth Rochford, Illinois Family, Illinois Supreme Court, J. B. Pritzker, Judicial Activism, Judicial Ethics, Lake County Court, Legend Lee, Mark Curran, Mary Kay O'Brien, Michael Burke, Michael Madigan, Parents Rights, Red Wave, Redistricting, Republican, Rochforded, Senate President Harmon, Speaker Welch, Supreme Court
Illinois Politics, Marriage, Family & Culture, Uncategorized | Paul Hurst |
November 5, 2022 3:00 PM |
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Written by Jon A. Zahm
As pro-family conservatives, we know that the judiciary is of vital importance in our day-to- day lives. For example, we have seen courts recently elevate casinos to greater importance than churches. We have seen biological males granted full access to female locker rooms, bathrooms, and team sports in our public schools. And we all know how our country was forever changed by 7 U.S. Supreme Court Justices one day in 1973.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anne Burke, ComEd scandal, David Overstreet, Ed Burke, Fair Map Amendment, Illinois Supreme Court, Jon A. Zahm, Michael Burke, Mike Madigan, Reproductive Health Care Act, Tazewell County GOP, Tom Kilbride
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
August 28, 2020 4:00 AM |
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