Posts tagged: Mask mandates

They Were Wrong About Everything, But Will Apologize For Nothing

Written by Peter Heck

Forgiveness isn’t going to be easy. Especially in this culture. Especially at this particular moment in time. Especially with such little remorse for so grievous an offense.

Ironically, I was sitting on an airplane watching a handful of passengers board donning N95 surgical masks when I scrolled across this story:

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Chasing Our Own Tails Has Become The New Pandemic

Written by Daniel Horowitz

As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies
that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword,
and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them
. ~ Leviticus 26:36

The hospitals throughout America are stressed and stretched thin. No, unlike during other times of the pandemic, there is not a flood of people coming in with blood clotting and respiratory distress.… Continue Reading

The Cultural Shift Behind the Republican Tsunami

Written by Robert Knight

Something is happening out there. It looks for all the world like a punch-drunk fighter rising to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and decking his opponent.

Republicans in Virginia swept all statewide offices and flipped the U.S. House last Tuesday. The folks at CNN and MSNBC were on the verge of hysteria. They channeled enfant terrible climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting, “How dare you!”

In New Jersey, a political neophyte truck driver apparently defeated the state Senate president.… Continue Reading

Overcoming the Power of Fear Spun From the Democrats’ ‘Cancel Culture’

Written by Robert Knight

One of the greatest barriers to living a life of liberty is fear.

It comes in many forms: Fear of offending others, fear of failing, fear of terrors, real and imagined, and fear of death. The media have become experts in stoking fears of every kind.

Fear of getting involved is another form. Bystanders did nothing this past week while a woman was molested and then raped in a Philadelphia subway car.… Continue Reading

The Government’s Mass Migration From Disease-Ridden Countries During A Pandemic Is Quite Revealing

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What do you call a government that will mask an asymptomatic 2-year-old American but bring in people without measles and polio vaccines from the most disease-ridden countries in middle of a pandemic?

You have to give Australia credit. At least it is consistent about its totalitarian approach to the pandemic. While Australian officials repress their own people, they most certainly don’t allow foreigners into their country either. America, on the other hand, has now commandeered the bodily integrity of its own citizens under the guise of combatting a pandemic with a vaccine that doesn’t even work.… Continue Reading

The Explosive Growth of Homeschooling

Written by Emily Burke

Parents are taking their children’s education into their own hands in record numbers after a disastrously tumultuous school year.

The U.S. Census Bureau’s experimental Household Pulse Survey, which is an online survey recording social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrates a dramatic shift towards homeschooling within the past year and a half. The survey included roughly 22–23 million American households spanning from the spring of 2020 to the fall of 2021.… Continue Reading

A Freedom Spring After the Dark Winter of Tyranny?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It’s not just when you’re having fun that time flies. I can’t believe it’s nearly 11 months since my first article noting that locking down and masking children is a crime against humanity divorced from all science. Yet here we are almost a year later, entering a new spring season, with children being forced to mask in school (assuming they are even in school) and being wrongly treated as vectors of spread rather than the future of our country.… Continue Reading