Posts tagged: Kermit Gosnell

The Left’s Growing Record of Insanity

Written by Robert Knight

To say the Left in America has gone off the rails is like saying the Super Bowl is a fairly popular football game.

It’s hard to keep up with the tsunami of cultural and economic insanity thundering through a thousand outlets every day, but here’s a try.  You thought Vermont’s Democratic Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was radical?  Current Democratic leaders start with his views and go further left.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks the idea of securing America’s southern border as something only a bigot like President Trump would want.  … Continue Reading

The Gospel According to Nancy: No Borders, Kill Babies

Written by T.R. Clancy

Tucker Carlson pointed out a few days ago how the already insufferable leader of the Congressional Democrats has recently been “ordained….an archbishop in the church of progressive sanctimony.”  For a while now, Nancy Pelosi’s been the country’s expert on morality (e.g., border wall: immoral; abortion on demand: moral).  She’s now taken to telling the country how much she prays, and she’s urging others to do it, too – at least that old sinner, Donald Trump.… Continue Reading

Ghoulies: Parade of the Aborticrats

Written by Michelle Malkin

I thought we had seen it all from radical feminists — and what we’ve seen is way, way more than anyone other than a gynecologist needs to see.

Six years ago, Code Pink zealots traipsed across the fruited plain in giant female reproductive organ costumes demanding “respect” for women’s bodies and women’s abortion rights. They called themselves “dancing vaginas.”

Last January, militant femmes converged on the National Mall donning pink pussy hats, twirling nipple umbrellas, chanting, “Build a uterine wall!”… Continue Reading

Where Conservatives Are in the Trump Era: 15 Takeaways From Their Biggest Conference

Written by Katrina Trinko

Five weeks into President Donald Trump’s presidency, the first time in eight years a Republican has been in the White House, where do conservatives see the country going?

Here are highlights from The Daily Signal’s coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservatives:

1. Trump talks policy objectives.

In his speech, Trump emphasized a variety of issues that conservatives care about, saying, “We will build the wall and we are going to start soon,” as well as promising “a substantial upgrade for the military.”… Continue Reading

Why Everyone Should Be Terrified By The GOP’s Abortion Bill Debacle


This level of incompetence and cowardice should alarm us all.

Written by Mollie Hemingway

January 22, 2015 marked the 42nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court legalizing abortion on demand throughout pregnancy. The pro-life movement commemorates this day with marches, worship services and lobbying for bills to protect unborn children. Pro-lifers were promised by the Republican leaders they just helped elect and re-elect that the U.S. House of Representatives would pass a bill on Thursday, banning most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, a point after which infants can feel pain and survive if born prematurely.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Blumenthal’s Butchery Bill

Written by the Editors of National Review Online

Democrats hold one thing — and one thing only — sacred, and that is abortion. Our diplomats may be murdered abroad, the rule of law may be grossly violated at home, the First Amendment may be written off as just another roadblock on the freeway to utopia, but abortion will always have for them a uniquely holy status — even if that means employing unholy methods to facilitate it.… Continue Reading