Posts tagged: Jussie Smollett

Censored by YouTube…

Written by David E. Smith

The overlords at Google/YouTube have banned the IFA video of our U.S. Senatorial Forum. Why? Because the topic of widely suspected voting irregularities during the 2020 election was briefly touched on during the forum. That is a “conspiracy theory” Leftists will not tolerate despite the mounting evidence. So, what conspiracy theories do they tolerate?  Well, if you search the following topics, you will find a plethora of videos available:

  • Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory
  • Jussie Smollett attacked by racist, homophobic Trump supporters conspiracy theory
  • Who shot JFK conspiracy theory
  • Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory
  • Area 51 conspiracy theory
  • Sasquatch conspiracy theory
  • Loch Ness Monster conspiracy theory
  • Elvis still lives conspiracy theory

Thankfully, last year we decided to cross-post our videos over at our Rumble channel in case intolerant regressives blocked us, but who knew it would be over a video of a candidate forum?… Continue Reading

The Irresponsibility of Jussie Smollett

Written by Jonathon Clay de Hale

When Jussie Smollett’s account of being attacked first broke at the end of January, I watched with interest but didn’t say anything. It seemed a bit cartoonish: two white guys wearing MAGA hats giving a gay black man a beat down in the middle of Chicago on a night of sub-zero temperatures, yelling racial and anti-gay epithets, dousing him with bleach, tying a noose around his neck and proclaiming, “This is MAGA country!”… Continue Reading

Hate Crime Hoaxes: The Bad and the Good

Written by Walter WIlliams

Jussie Smollett, “Empire” actor, claimed that on Jan. 29, two masked men identifying themselves as Donald Trump supporters and using racial and homophobic insults attacked him. Smollett said the assailants yelled “This is MAGA country,” bashed his face, crushed his ribs, splashed him with bleach and put a noose around his neck. Smollett’s telling of the hate crime was gobbled up hook, line and sinker by the anti-Trump news media, but Chicago police say it was a hoax.… Continue Reading

The Left Is Hateful and Discriminatory

Written by Walker Wildmon

Democrats and liberals have used a strategy, again and again, to try to win power, and it is by calling others, their opponents, liars, haters, racists, and more.  Often this is just an example of psychologically projecting onto opponents their own actions they have taken or are willing to take.  But you won’t see many of these examples of liberal or Democrat deception in the media called out (visit here to see what other media sites won’t fairly discuss).… Continue Reading