Posts tagged: Jed Davis

Non-Citizens Will Have the Power to Arrest Legal American Citizens in Illinois?

Written by Nancy Hayes

At a recent Three Headed Eagle Alliance event called “Pints and Politics,” Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur), a member of the Illinois Freedom Caucus stated: “No non-citizen American should ever be in a position to arrest an American citizen in America.”

This seems like an obvious statement, but Caulkins was responding to the recent passing of HB 3751, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code by adding the following:

An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the U.S.

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Illinois House Democrat Aides Illegally Vote on Legislation

Written by Gabriel Syme 

The Pulitzer Prize winning author, Studs Terkel once wrote, “Chicago is not the most corrupt American city…it is the most theatrically corrupt!” The same can unfortunately be said about the state of Illinois as a whole.

Earlier this month, Democrats in the Illinois House tried to take that corrupt Chicago Way to a new theatrical level while trying to pass legislation late at night. Because Democrat members, one by one, went home or slipped out of the chamber, they did not have the 60-vote majority they needed to pass legislation this late at night.… Continue Reading