2016 Primary Election
We strongly encourage you to vote in the March 15th primary election. Prior to going to the polls, make sure that you know where your candidates stand on life, natural marriage (one man/one woman), and religious freedom. Please take a moment to check out IFA’s online voter guide at: ILVoterGuide.com
Illinois Family Action’s board members Dr. Barbara Bellar, Richard Hartian, Pastor John Kirkwood, Jan Klaas, Pastor Calvin Lindstrom, Pastor James Pittman, and Executive Director of IFA and IFA-pac David E.… Continue Reading
Tags: Avery Bourne, Brad Halbrook, Dale Righter, Dan McConchie, Daniel Swanson, Daniel Wilbrandt, David Reis, Ethan Vandersand, Herman White, James Marter, Jay Kinzler, Jerry Long, Jordan Thoms, Kyle McCarter, Max Solomon, Nick Stella, Patrick Harlan, Paul Serwatka, Reggie Philipps, Sam McCann, Sharee Langenstein, Ted Cruz, Tonia Khouri
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 10, 2016 8:00 AM |
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The Illinois Family Action (IFA) Board of Directors enthusiastically endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 6th District. Kinzler, a medical doctor and Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, fully understands the importance of family, the sanctity of life, and the definition of marriage. Dr. Kinzler has a proven record in local government reining in waste and corruption. His commitment to accountability in government will help efforts to stop the continued out-of-control spending in Congress.… Continue Reading
Tags: Equal Rights Amendment, James Marter, Jay Kinzler, Mark Kirk, Peter Roskam, Planned Parenthood, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, same-sex marriage
Federal Elections, Illinois Politics, Political | David E. Smith |
February 26, 2016 11:33 AM |
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