Posts tagged: IRS

As Progressives Move Left, They Must Replace the American Electorate

Written by Robert Knight

The progressive game plan to re-acquire power in Washington and make it permanent has been shockingly obvious for some time:

Import millions of illegal immigrants, hook them on government aid, and turn them into voters – legally or illegally.

Two Democrats running for Congress in Texas have come out for decriminalizing illegal immigration, along with Beta O’Rourke, who is running for Ted Cruz’s U.S. Senate seat.  Virtually all Democrat office holders oppose voter ID laws.… Continue Reading

Congress Fails to Repeal Johnson Amendment in Tax Bill

Written by Michael Gryboski

A measure within the federal tax overhaul bill that would end the IRS regulation barring churches from endorsing political candidates has been removed from the proposed legislation.

The U.S. Senate’s parliamentarian struck out the language overturning the Johnson Amendment, with the Hill reporting last week that the reason was because it “did not meet Senate rules that require elements of the tax bill to have something to do with the budget.”

“The Senate is seeking to move a House-Senate conference report under special budgetary rules that prevent Democrats from using a filibuster,” explained The Hill.Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Rev. C.L. Byrant on Tax Reform

Written by John Biver

In this week’s Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick interviews the Reverend C.L. Bryant, a Senior Fellow at Freedom Works. Rev. Bryant also is the host of the syndicated radio show, the C.L. Bryant show on Red State Talk Radio. He is also the force behind the film Runaway Slave.

In their wide-ranging discussion, Rev. Bryant and Monte Larrick address national tax reform, the “non-existent” black conservative, the many problems in Illinois, and the current racial situation in America.… Continue Reading

Pastors to Protest IRS Restrictions on Speaking About Politics


Written by Anugrah Kumar

Pastors across the country will protest Internal Revenue Service restrictions on them not to talk politics in the church as they observe the annual Pulpit Freedom Sunday, days after the introduction of the Free Speech Fairness Act in the U.S. House to reinstate pastors’ and churches’ rights to speak freely.

“The IRS has no business acting as the speech police of any non-profit organization, as its many scandals over recent years have made clear,” said Erik Stanley, senior counsel of the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom, which started Pulpit Freedom Sunday in 2008.

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Can Cruz Win the General? Yes, He Can!


Written by Lloyd Marcus

Some say, “I like Cruz, but I’m voting for Trump because I don’t believe Cruz can win the general.” These voters are really saying they believe we have lost the country to the Left. Therefore, a true conservative touting traditional values cannot win the presidency in today’s America. This mindset reminds me of what many conservatives did to Sarah Palin.

Palin epitomized the character, principles, and values we in the tea party longed to see in our politicians.… Continue Reading

A Moral Primer: Obama’s Legacy is Government-Induced Chaos at Home, Moral Equivalence Abroad


Written by Victor Davis Hanson

The last but long gasp of the Obama administration is characterized not so much by deceit and incompetence as by growing chaos. Everything appears to be coming apart. The chariot of state now veers up and down with a terrified Phaethon clueless at the reins. Whether it is ISIS, Ebola, Putin, or Obamacare, the common strain is not simple incompetence, but a maladroitness born of intolerant ideological fundamentalism.

Have our government agencies ever seemed more corrupt or useless or both, staffed by political cronies and leftist zealots?… Continue Reading

For the President and His IRS: A Parson’s Prayer


Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

“Please explain in detail the activities at these prayer meetings. Also, please provide the percentage of time your organization spends on prayer groups as compared with the other activities of the organization.” – Internal Revenue Service

How often do your members pray? What is the nature of your prayers? The IRS posed these and other questions to certain tea party and religious groups who were seeking tax-exempt status. After the delays, the intimidation and the Stasi-like interrogation; many of the organizations just gave up.… Continue Reading