Posts tagged: immigration crisis

March Madness And Its Antidote

Written by Robert Knight

It’s March, and you know what that means — lots of change and celebration in the air.

Daylight saving time begins March 10. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. On that day, everyone’s Irish — even the English among us. The spring equinox is March 20. And there’s March madness.

I’m not talking about watching 68 colleges battle it out for the NCAA basketball titles. Or even the advent of baseball spring training, with opening day (March 28) only weeks away.… Continue Reading

Foreign Invaders Ride The Taxpayer Express

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The next time you’re fondled at the airport by a TSA agent, look around. You may very well see foreign nationals ushered through security without proper documentation and disregarding every TSA rule. While Joe Biden pretends that millions of invaders from 150 countries are a natural occurrence, his administration is using taxpayer-funded nongovernmental organizations to disperse tens of thousands of them throughout the country.

This cannot be allowed to continue. Why won’t Republicans pledge to put an end to it by refusing to fund one more penny of this scheme with the budget deadline looming?… Continue Reading