Posts tagged: HB 40

SPOTLIGHT: A Creche on Display in the Illinois Rotunda

Written by David E. Smith

The Springfield Nativity Scene Committee* (SNSC) recently held its annual opening day ceremony for their privately sponsored and funded display depicting the birth of Jesus Christ.  This display marks the 10th straight year that this display has had a place in the center of the State Capitol Rotunda.  This is possible, thanks in large part to the help of the Thomas More Society, including our guest Tom BrejchaContinue Reading

Is Gov. Rauner Buying the Support of Illinois GOP County Chairmen?

Written by John Biver

Because the Illinois Republican Party nominated a radical left-winger in 2014 who has demonstrated an inability to lead, three years into his term Illinois finds itself worse off than when Governor Bruce Rauner took office.

What happens when that aforementioned Republican governor is willing to spend millions of dollars of his own money to purchase support? We’re witnessing the answer as candidate Bruce Rauner meets with county party chairmen and offers them assistance — in the form of money, candidate training, website support, etc.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life Politics with Pastor LeFlore (Spotlight #068)

In this week’s Spotlight podcast, Dave Smith sits down to talk to Rev. Ceasar LeFlore, the Founder and Executive Director of the Beloved Community Development Coalition and the Midwest Regional Director of the Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN). Pastor LeFlore is working towards a national pro-life prayer network, he is seeking to unite a million prayer intercessors to daily pray for the end of abortion.

Prayer, Pastor LeFlore said, “is required because an awakening is necessary for the darkness to be overcome.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life/Pro-Family Forces Issue a “No Confidence” Vote in Bruce Rauner

A News Release from the Illinois Family Action and Family-PAC:

The following Bill of Particulars was unanimously endorsed today by representatives of 20 statewide pro-life and pro-family organizations at a meeting in Chicago.

Bill of Particulars

Whereas the 2016 platforms of both the national and Illinois Republican parties clearly state their opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion.

Whereas the Republican members of the Illinois House and Senate have expressed their united opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion as expressed in House Bill 40.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Rep. Breen and Pro-Life Backlash to HB 40

Written by John Biver

“Governor Rauner is done…he will not be governor in January 2019,” State Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) told Monte Larrick in this week’s bonus Illinois Family Spotlight podcast.

With Gov. Bruce Rauner’s signing of HB 40’s taxpayer funding of abortion, Breen said that Rauner can no longer make an effective case for his leadership. Breen explains that HB 40 is one of the worst bills ever to be signed into law in Illinois, and it happened even though Rauner looked Breen in the eye, shook his hand, and pledged to veto it.… Continue Reading

BONUS: HB 40 Backlash (Illinois Family Spotlight #062)

As most of you know, HB 40 was signed into law by Governor Bruce Rauner last week. Pro-life voters are deeply disturbed by the governor’s change of heart.

Joining Monte Larrick to talk about this ominous legislation is State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard), an Illinois House GOP floor leader and a pro-life leader in his own right.  Rep. Breen has been one of the most outspoken Republicans against HB 40.

Discussed in this bonus podcast: the implications of the bill, what we can do to mitigate its effects, the governors inability to outmaneuver House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), and the question many Illinois conservatives are asking: should Governor Rauner be challenged in the March 2018 Primary Election?… Continue Reading

A Bad Couple of Weeks for Pre-Born Americans Thanks to Republicans

Written by John Biver

It hasn’t been a good couple of weeks for the pre-born in America. Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed HB 40, allowing for taxpayer funding of abortions. In Washington, D.C., Republicans still haven’t gotten their act together regarding their promised defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Here is Dr. Susan Berry writing a rather simple sentence:

Republicans have presented themselves to Americans as a pro-life party, and promised to defund Planned Parenthood once they had control of the House, the Senate, and the White House.

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Illinois Democrats Collude for JB Pritzker

Written by David E. Smith

The deceitful media has talked a lot about electoral “collusion” on the national level, but there is a clear case of collusion here in Illinois and we haven’t heard a peep about it.

During the Spring session of the Illinois General Assembly, Democratic lawmakers passed  House Bill 40, on a party line vote (62-55 in the House on April 25th and 33 to 22 in the Senate on May 22nd).… Continue Reading

Politics or Babies? What’s a Governor to do?

Written by Kathy Valente

Politico recently reported that Governor Rauner’s “ongoing struggle with the politics of a controversial abortion bill hasn’t gone unnoticed by potential opponents.” A Democrat opponent in the 2018 gubernatorial race, J.B. Pritzker, has capitalized on “Rauner’s indecision with HB 40 by releasing a new statewide TV ad where the billionaire Democrat declares if he’s elected, HB 40 will be the first bill he signs.”

This comes on the heels of Pritzker, along with the bill’s sponsors, making a video about dropping off 4,000 postcards to Gov.… Continue Reading

BONUS: “40 Days For Life” (Illinois Family Spotlight #059)

Joining the discussion is Shawn Carney, the President of 40 Days For Life. Shawn began as a volunteer in the pro-life movement while still in college. During this time he helped to lead the first-ever local 40 Days for Life campaign. After graduating from college, Shawn was asked to serve as the Executive Director of the Coalition for Life, a local pro-life organization in Texas made up of more than 60 churches. From its beginning, Shawn has been instrumental in growing 40 Days for Life nationally and then internationally.… Continue Reading