Posts tagged: Election 2016

Open Letter to Conservative Presidential Candidates


Written by Laurie Higgins

The campaign is up and running, and there’s nothing that the liberal press salivates over more than asking conservative presidential contenders what they think about all things homosexual—especially homosexual “mirage” (to borrow Pastor Doug Wilson’s term) or “pseudogamy” (to borrow Professor Anthony Esolen’s term).

Most conservative politicians respond with nervous, evasive, self-conscious, and intellectually unsatisfying answers. The reasons for their awkward and ineffective responses likely range from ignorance to fear to absence of genuine conviction.… Continue Reading

Hillary Rodham Romney


The battle to define Hillary Clinton is on—and she’s losing

Written by Matthew Continetti

Hillary Clinton is moving so quickly to the left that it’s hard to keep up. Her aides are telling the New York Times she wants to “topple” the One Percent, she’s pledging solidarity with union bosses over lunch meetings at Mario Batali restaurants in Midtown, she supports a constitutional amendment to suppress political speech, she’s down with a right to same-sex marriage, she’s ambivalent over the Keystone Pipeline and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, she’s calling for an end to the “era of mass incarceration,” she wants to go “further” than President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty.… Continue Reading

Quinnipiac: Walker Leading in Iowa


Jeb drops to 5% in latest Iowa poll.

Written by Michael Warren

A new Quinnipiac poll of likely Iowa Republican presidential caucusgoers finds Wisconsin’s Scott Walker in front of the GOP pack with 21 percent support and a 9-point advantage over his closest primary opponents. That’s down from 25 percent and a 12-point lead in Quinnipiac’s February poll, but Walker remains ahead of his Republican rivals, with senators Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, all huddled together behind the Wisconsin governor.… Continue Reading

The 2016 Presidential Race, Explained in 4 Charts


Written by Andrew Stiles

The 2016 presidential election will feature a matchup between a white millionaire Yale graduate from the Democratic Party (Hillary Clinton) and whichever candidate emerges from the diverse Republican field.

How diverse is this year’s crop of GOP candidates? It might be the most diverse in history, regardless of party. Let’s take a look at the current state of the 2016 race, using charts to explain everything you need to know.


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Robin Kelly Gets Serious About Run Against RINO Mark Kirk


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According to Roll Call, Illinois Congresswoman Robin Kelly met with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee about a possible U.S. Senate bid against Mark Kirk, who is considered the most vulnerable senator in 2016.

If Kelly, who is black, enters the race, she’d face a primary against fellow Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who entered the race a month ago. Democrats say Duckworth, who is disabled, offers a real challenge to Kirk, who is also disabled after a stroke in 2012.… Continue Reading

The Wrong Candidate to Reform Big-Money Politics



Written by Michael Medved

In the rocky roll-out of her campaign, Hillary Clinton has listed four goals for her presidency: expanding opportunity for the middle class, strengthening families and communities, confronting foreign threats, and somehow breaking the connection between money and politics. “We can fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all,” she promises, “even if that takes a constitutional amendment.” This last announced goal represents a cynical bid to deflect attention from the big money that Hillary herself has pocketed by exploiting her power and prominence; the Clintons have accumulated at least $140 million since leaving the White House.… Continue Reading

Pro-Family PAC Done With Dr. Carson


An Ohio pro-family activist has written off Dr. Ben Carson as someone he can support for president because the retired neurosurgeon has endorsed Ohio Republican U.S. Senator Rob Portman’s re-election.

Written by Chad Groening

In March 2013, U.S. Senator Rob Portman, who was once staunchly pro-family, revealed that his own son is a homosexual and announced his support for “same-sex marriage.” That brought a strong reaction from conservatives in Ohio, including Phil Burress, who is chairman of the Citizens for Community Values Action PAC and has vowed to work hard for a Portman GOP primary defeat next year.… Continue Reading

‘Religious Beliefs Have To Be Changed’ to Accommodate Abortion


Written by Joel Gehrke

Hillary Clinton believes that “religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” in order to expand access to abortion.

Clinton said yesterday that it’s not enough to legalize the procedure. “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” she said Thursday, per the Daily Caller. “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”… Continue Reading

Ted Cruz Asks Pastors to Preach, Pray Against Gay Marriage


Written by Leonardo Blair

As the U.S. Supreme Court readies to hear arguments in favor of same-sex marriage on Tuesday, April 28, Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), urged pastors across America to preach and pray against it because “marriage was God’s idea, and He will preserve it, with or without us.”

“We know that marriage is intended to be sacred, beautiful, and nourishing. If you do not influence your congregation’s understanding of marriage, who will fill the void?… Continue Reading

Clinton Declares for Iron Throne


Written by Jed Babbin

She’s as charming as a bulldozer at full throttle. It’s hard to explain why she’s not the second coming of Richard Nixon or a female version of Vito Corleone. But here she is, again, running for the presidency, again.

We’re told her nomination is inevitable. But as former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley said, a candidate is inevitable until she’s not. She’s one of the most qualified people ever to run for president so she doesn’t need to be vetted, her pals in the media tell us.… Continue Reading