From Conservative Review
Donald Trump said, during [Saturday night’s] CBS News Debate, that Ted Cruz lied when Cruz said that Trump continues to support Planned Parenthood. Did Cruz lie?
Here’s what Breitbart reported that Donald Trump said regarding Planned Parenthood during the defund fight.
When pressed on non-abortion services Planned Parenthood allegedly provides, Trump said, “What I would do when the time came, I’d look at the individual things they do, and maybe some of the individual things they do are good.
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Written by Ralph Benko – Senior Economic Advisor at the American Principles Project
As I recently wrote in my Forbes.com column, “Presidential elections are about, above all, just two things: our security and our prosperity.” The GOP candidates have been emphatic about our national security, about which more in a bit.
All of them strangely have been pretty quiet about our prosperity. Getting the economy moving again deserves, now, to be the top issue. Ted Cruz has offered the most Reaganesque plan for getting us robust growth.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Ben Carson, Bill Clinton, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Gold Standard, Jack Kemp, James Carville, Janet Yellen, Jeb Bush, Lawrence White, Marco Rubio, Newt Gingrich, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
February 5, 2016 9:01 AM |
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Written by Jon Schweppe
The results of the 2016 Iowa Caucus are in, and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) won with 28 percent of the vote. Donald Trump finished in a disappointing second place with 24 percent, while U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) surged to a close third place with 23 percent.
Terry Schilling, Executive Director at American Principles Project and contributor to The Pulse 2016, explained the results:
“Tonight proves one thing — if you won’t prioritize protecting religious liberty, you won’t win,” Schilling said.… Continue Reading

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood
There are similarities between Trump and Cruz supporters but the prime difference is that the Trump voter is mainly actuated by one principle: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
If you despise the GOP establishment and you hate Political Correctness then Trump the “outsider,” who has challenged those things vociferously, is very appealing. The dismayed and despondent, blind with rage, just want a pound of flesh. RINO flesh. And who can blame them?… Continue Reading

Written by Ben Shapiro
This week, U.S. Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has bashed Trump for insufficient conservatism. He explained, “Donald’s record does not match what he says as a candidate.” Cruz isn’t the only one. Last month, Rush Limbaugh said that Trump’s attacks on Cruz reflected the fact that he was not a “genuine conservative.” Mark Levin said in 2011, “Trump is NOT the real deal… He is not a conservative. He was happy to donate to Schumer, Weiner & Emanuel campaigns last year.… Continue Reading

Written by Matt Walsh
It’s very simple. If a man has no moral center, if he has ambition but no faith, if he does not demonstrate humility or integrity, I will never vote for him for president. I don’t care who he is, what he’s done, what he says, or what positions he holds. None of that will matter when we are living under his tyranny, and tyranny is sure to follow when you give unspeakable power to a man who believes he is God.… Continue Reading

Written by Matt Barber
Stinkin’ Canadian. Dang feriner, conspirin’ to come over here and replace our delicious, crispy, all-American bacon with that floppy, communist, Canadian crap. And Budweiser? Like your Budweiser? Forget it. If he’s elected, it’s nothing but that skunky Molson swill for you, my friend. Football? Banned. It’s all sticks, pucks and missing teeth from here on out. A wall on the southern border? ISIS? TB-infected Mesicans and Central Americans? Ha! A mere diversion.… Continue Reading

Written by Michael Medved
Donald Trump supports the idea that immigration and customs officials should ask any migrants or visitors to our country whether they’re Muslim, and if they are Muslims, they should be denied entry.
Why would this make us safer against potential terrorists?
If an extremist plans to perpetrate violence against America and Americans, he (or she) would certainly be willing to lie about his religious affiliation. As former anti-terror prosecutor Andrew McCarthy makes clear, the only people who’d be hurt by asking Muslims to identify themselves, or to register with the government based on their religious faith, would be law-abiding Muslims.… Continue Reading
Tags: Andrew McCarthy, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Gun control, immigration, Islam, Terror
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
January 4, 2016 7:58 AM |
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Written by Frank Cannon
Donald Trump says a lot of things. We’ve become all too used to that now. Some of these things should probably be taken with a grain of salt — “Only Rosie O’Donnell” comes to mind — but some deserve to be analyzed more closely.
Here’s an example. Remember Trump’s discussion about U.S. Supreme Court Justices back in August with Bloomberg Politics? Mark Halperin asked Trump, “Is there someone out there today who isn’t on the [Supreme Court], but say, this is the kind of person I would consider for the court?… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Bill Clinton, Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump, Election 2016, John Roberts, Maryanne Trump Barry, Obamacare, SCOTUS
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
December 28, 2015 8:41 AM |
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Written by Lloyd Marcus
Some say, “I like Cruz, but I’m voting for Trump because I don’t believe Cruz can win the general.” These voters are really saying they believe we have lost the country to the Left. Therefore, a true conservative touting traditional values cannot win the presidency in today’s America. This mindset reminds me of what many conservatives did to Sarah Palin.
Palin epitomized the character, principles, and values we in the tea party longed to see in our politicians.… Continue Reading
Tags: DOJ, Donald Trump, Election 2016, IRS, Mitt Romney, Planned Parenthood, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
December 19, 2015 8:39 AM |
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