Written by Michael Medved
Amid all the evaluations of the first hundred days of President Trump, what about considering the first hundred days of Democrats as the party of opposition?
So far, they’ve shown a destructive tendency to repeat the same mistakes that cost them the election in November.
First, they focus exclusively on attacking the president while counting on scandal to destroy their opponents. Most Americans know what Democrats are against, but they’ve received no clear message about what they’re for.
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Written by Robert Eno
Despite the media’s best efforts to attack conservatives and Republicans, it seems the American people aren’t buying it. After three months of wall-to-wall coverage about Russian interference in the election, and a general hostile attitude by the media, 96 percent of Trump’s voters would vote for him again, according to a new ABC News/ Washington Post poll.
But that’s not even the biggest story to come out of the poll. A staggering number of American voters think the Democratic Party is “out of touch” with “people’s concerns.”… Continue Reading
Written by Joshua Denton
In a move vigorously applauded by social conservatives and simultaneously denounced by same-sex “marriage” advocates, President Donald Trump has appointed Roger Severino to head the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights.
Severino formerly served as the Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. As Director, his three main focuses where on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues.
His track record of defending religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life go further back then his time at the Heritage Foundation.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, ADF, Alliance Defending Freedom, David Daleiden, Donald Trump, education, Heritage Foundation, Jim Domen, John Geradi, Jonathan Keller, LGBTQ, marijuana, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, religious freedom, religious liberty, Ricardo Lara, Roe v. Wade, Roger Serverino, SCOTUS, The Center for Medical Progress, Transgender
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
April 18, 2017 11:00 AM |
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Written by Todd Starnes
Fresno State University said they will fully cooperate with any federal investigation after a professor posted a series of Twitter messages calling for President Donald Trump to be hanged and for Republicans to be executed.
“To save American democracy, Trump must hang,” Professor Lars Maischak wrote on his Twitter account in February. “The sooner and the higher, the better.”
“Has anyone started soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump assassin, yet?”… Continue Reading
Written by Todd Starnes
In February President Donald Trump made a promise to people of faith across the fruited plain.
“My administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in our land,” the president said at the National Prayer Breakfast.
When he campaigned for the White House he stated that the “first priority of my administration will be to preserve and protect our religiously liberty.”
“The First Amendment guarantees our right to practice our faith as we see fit…all the time, always, wherever,” he went on to say.… Continue Reading

Written by Dr. Michael Brown
Whenever I hear Christian leaders talk about the inevitable collapse of the church of America (or elsewhere) I ask myself, “But hasn’t Jesus risen from the dead? Didn’t He ascend to the right hand of the Father? Hasn’t all authority in heaven and earth been given to Him? And aren’t we commanded to go and make disciples in His name and by His authority?”
If so, how then we can speak of any inevitable collapse of the church (or, specifically, of Christian society), regardless of how inevitable that collapse appears to human eyes?… Continue Reading
Written by John Biver
Twenty months is a long time in politics. Like it or not, here in Illinois, that is how long the campaign for governor will be. In November 2018, Illinoisans will once again be going to the polls to elect or re-elect someone to run the executive branch — and that race is already underway. There are five Democrats who have announced their candidacy, and several more are rumored to be considering a run.… Continue Reading
Tags: Alex Paterakis, Ameya Pawar, Bernie Sanders, Bob Daiber, Bruce Rauner, Chris Kennedy, Daniel Biss, Donald Trump, Mike Madigan, Robin Kelly
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 29, 2017 11:30 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
A week ago, President Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he accused former President Barack Obama in a tweet of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York.
The standard portrayal: Once again, the president has shot from the hip, right into his foot, “without any evidence” whatever.
These are the same media that excitedly accused the Russians of “hacking the election,” based on a report from the CIA, FBI and NSA in early January while Mr.… Continue Reading

Written by Cliff Kincaid
On “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump declared, in regard to the protests against him, “I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it.” Once again, Trump has struck gold. It’s “gold” in the form of taxpayer money. In addition to funding from billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, we find a federal financial connection to some of the anti-Trump protests.
The good news for Trump in this case is that his administration, supported by Republicans in Congress, can cut off the federal money.… Continue Reading

Written by Monica Showalter
First, President Trump refused to take their questions. Later, he tweeted that they were a network of “fake news.” Then they got caught in a fake news scandal, of the grossest sort, reporting some of the “golden showers” phony dossier on Trump as straight news and getting caught and discredited. Turned out it was just the product of some disgusting left-anarchist’s febrile imagination, and only Buzzfeed made a bigger fool of itself.
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