Posts tagged: COVID-19 vaccine

The LIABLE Act Would End Pfizer’s and Moderna’s Free Pass

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Should a product that is completely funded, marketed, monopolized, and then mandated by government be less liable than Toyota is for its airbags?

Anyone with a modicum of common sense would understand that the more a product is favored with regulatory shortcuts and other benefits only government can provide, the more the product’s makers should be on the hook for liability if it causes damage. The fact is that the federal government required millions of people — including members of the armed services — to get the jab.… Continue Reading

Hey, Woke Church, It’s Time to Wake Up!

Written by Albin Sadar

I recently finished reading a very timely and hard-hitting book zeroing in on the American church called, Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity by Lucas Miles. Much of what Miles writes about in Woke Jesus rings true with me and my experiences with what passes as a Christian response to the evil we see all around us and all over the world today.

The battle against evil is heating up, especially when we consider what happened just a few short weeks ago on October 7th in Israel.… Continue Reading