Posts tagged: Ben Carson

Taking Christ’s Name in Vain, Biden Blasts Biblical Marriage ‘Bigots’


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

While addressing one of the nation’s leading homosexual activist groups on Friday in the nation’s capital, Vice President Joe Biden used the name of Jesus Christ in vain while defending the claim of the LGBT community that homosexuality is hereditary.

What’s your reaction to Vice President Biden’s comments to the Human Rights Campaign?

Biden was challenging prospective Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s assertion last week that homosexuality is a choice … a learned behavior — not a gender or inherent biological state of being.… Continue Reading

Are Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal Theocrats?


Written by Wallace Henley

“The theocrats are coming!” shriek some sentinels of the contemporary political battlefield every time a Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Rick Perry, or Bobby Jindal clear their throats.

Paul Revere, having seen the lanterns in Boston’s Christ Church bell-tower, shouted out, “The British are coming!” Today’s harbingers of theocratic threat get their signals from the towers of secularity, some latticed with ivy, others in the form of broadcasting antennae, and still more in the shape of looming skyscrapers.… Continue Reading

Hillary’s Money Problem


Written by Michael Medved

Hillary Clinton’s status as a wealthy celebrity will make it difficult for her to deploy the populist narrative that helped Democratic nominees win the popular vote in five out of the last six presidential elections. How can a woman who boasts a net worth of at least $21 million and hobnobs almost exclusively with well-heeled financial titans and movie stars, plausibly denounce Republicans as the party of the rapacious rich while portraying Democrats as defenders of the downtrodden?… Continue Reading