Posts tagged: Alvin Bragg

Democrats Show Contempt For The Constitution With Trump Conviction

Written by Robert Knight

“Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
Do not fret — it only causes harm.”
(Psalm 37:7-8)

The Scriptures are the best place to go when something makes no sense — like the unanimous jury conviction of former President Donald Trump.

A friend of mine who is wired into international intelligence added some perspective to the stunning 34-count guilty verdict against Mr.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ One-Party Tyranny is The Real Meaning of ‘Saving Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

The Democrats’ plan to “save democracy” is pretty clear.

Their first order of business is to defeat former President Donald J. Trump by any means possible, wielding the legal system like a stiletto.

The second is to get rid of as many election integrity safeguards as possible. More about that in a moment, with Virginia as a striking example.

Mr. Trump, whose momentum toward the GOP nomination may be unstoppable, is being hounded on absurd charges by Democratic prosecutors in Democratic-run courts in four jurisdictions with jury pools dominated by Democrats.… Continue Reading

Looting As a Way of Life

Written by Robert Knight

Karl Marx’s famous prescription for economic equity is “from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.”

A more honest version is “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” which takes brute force in most cases.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth. The street version is called “looting,” but that word aptly summarizes their entire agenda.

This is the ethos of the radicalized Democratic Party, whose mantra is centralized power and redistribution of wealth.… Continue Reading

The Pandemic of De-Incarceration

Written by Daniel Horowitz

People are sitting in solitary confinement in the D.C. jail for a year for trespassing on public property on Jan. 6, yet in Chicago, nearly 90 murder suspects are out on bail.

Last Monday, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart revealed that in his county alone, 90 murder suspects, 40 people charged with attempted murder, and 852 people charged with aggravated gun possession are out free on bail indefinitely, waiting for their trials.… Continue Reading