Posts tagged: abortion

If You Value Human Life, You Must Vote For Donald Trump

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

In this election season, one thing becomes more evident every day. If you value human life, you have no choice but to vote for Donald Trump.

“How can you say that,” you shout. “How can anyone claim that only one man or one party stands for human life and the dignity of the human being?

There is a one-word answer: Abortion.

Oh, I can hear the chorus of malcontents. “You conservatives are so myopic.… Continue Reading

“We Can Do More in This Fight Against Abortion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #171)

Pastor Cory Musgrave joined Monte Larrick on this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight to discuss his invocation on the Illinois House floor earlier this year.

State Rep. Darren Bailey invited Pastor Musgrave to open the Illinois House in prayer, and Pastor Musgrave took the opportunity to ask God to forgive us for the recent passage of a radical abortion expansion bill that will result in even more innocent bloodshed.

He also answers questions about why he is running for Illinois State Representative in the 109th district (current State Rep.… Continue Reading

Interracial Violence

Written by Laurie Higgins

Parroting academicians in now-sullied Ivory Towers, Democratic scolds running for president have been lecturing Americans on the pervasiveness of the white scourge of “systemic racism.” Elizabeth Warren said, “Two sets of rules: one for white families. And one for everybody else. That’s how a rigged system works.” Joe Biden calls racism “overwhelmingly a white man’s problem visited on people of color” and “systematic racism…. [has] been built into every aspect of our system.”… Continue Reading

“‘Money is The Root of All Evil’ Turns Out to Be True for Abortion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #165)

The indefatigable Monte Larrick recently interviewed Dr. Haywood Robinson at a 40 Days for Life pastors luncheon in Tinely Park. Dr. Haywood Robinson is a former abortionist who came to saving faith in Jesus Christ and was convicted by His Word. Dr. Robinson offers his thoughts on the Ulrich Klopfer discovery–the man who horded 2,246 aborted children in his garage since 2001–and whether or not there might be more abortionists doing similar heinous deeds.

They also chatted about Dr.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Former Planned Parenthood Director Promotes 40 Days for Life

Written by Benjamin Smith

While the Life issue doesn’t seem to be winning in the Illinois legislature, we know it’s winning elsewhere.  This episode of Spotlight is an interview Monte Larrick conducted with Sue Thayer, the Director of Outreach for 40 Days for Life. She describes the results of a 40 day vigil outside an abortion clinic, and she takes us inside an abortion worker’s mindset.

They also discussed the advent of webcam and chemical take-home abortions, and tips and details for attending a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.… Continue Reading

Prostitution and Abortion: The Exploitation of Women and Children

Written by Abigail Moreno-Riano

Earlier this year, the state of New York legalized abortion up until birth, and the governor and abortion activists then proceeded to celebrate this loss of life as a joyous occasion. Now, another crisis of human dignity was narrowly averted after New York came close to passing the first ever complete decriminalization of prostitution.

While Nevada is the only other state to legalize forms of prostitution, New York’s bill is the most extensive bill that has ever been introduced, and as these authors noted, “would only turn mostly women and girls into ‘commodities to be bought and sold.’”… Continue Reading

Buttigieg Distorts Logic and Scripture on Abortion

Written by David Limbaugh

Perhaps Mayor Pete Buttigieg would have a better shot at appealing to Christian voters if he would not go to such extreme lengths to contort Scripture to rationalize his party’s abominable stance on abortion.

The Democratic presidential candidate openly expresses his Christian faith and was the first candidate to hire a national faith outreach director. He believes political conservatism is less compatible with Christianity than political liberalism.

Buttigieg says the GOP likes “to cloak itself in their language of religion” and accuses Republicans of hypocrisy for their alleged callousness about family separations at the border.… Continue Reading

“Rehumanizing the Baby in the Womb” (Illinois Family Spotlight #157)

Monte Larrick caught up with the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, Eric Scheidler, at the 2019 Face the Truth Tour.

They discuss the psychology of the Face the Truth Tour, the danger and general unpopularity of repealing parental notice of a minor’s abortion, why now is the best time to meet face-to-face with your lawmakers, and new legislation that would repeal Illinois’ newest abortion law in addition to making Illinois a heartbeat state.

They also talk about relatively recent critiques of how Republican party leadership handled the fight against the RHA, and the easiest way by far to get started in the pro-life movement: 40 Days for Life.… Continue Reading

“Illinois Is As Easy As ABC: Abortion, Bankruptcy, and Corruption” (Illinois Family Spotlight #151)

This edition of spotlight features the Illinois life champions responding to the approval of dramatic abortion expansion by Governor Pritzker at a news conference directly following the signing and celebration of Illinois’ democrats abortion masterpiece: the RHA.

The speakers are Mary Kate Knorr, the executive director of Illinois Right to Life, her attorney Peter Breen, the senior counsel of the pro-life Thomas More Society, a neonatal ICU nurse by the name of Emily Kelly, Dr. Nalini Rajmannan, and the Pro-Life Action League’s Eric Scheidler.… Continue Reading

A Spring 2019 Legislative Update {Part 1} (Illinois Family Spotlight #150)

Illinois State Rep Darren Bailey joined David Smith to discuss the legislature’s recent regressive accomplishments, if you can call them that, Rep Bailey’s personal conviction to run for office, and a very special event hosted by the “eastern block” conservatives coming up in late July.

A Spring 2019 Legislative Update {Part 1} (Illinois Family Spotlight #150)
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