The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.
Recently, I gave the Sunday morning message at my church and since we captured the audio, I thought we could post it as a special addition for those who may be interested.
In this sermon, we examine 2 Thessalonians 2 and really dive into verse three in which Paul warns God’s people, “let no one deceive you by any means.” The ESV translates it as “let no one deceive you in any way.… Continue Reading
Successful plans are best built on a foundation of strategic thinking. When it comes to political involvement, Christian apologist Dr. Frank Turek states that Christians ought to focus their efforts on motivating and mobilizing the citizens who share their worldview on the most critical issues of the day. Speaking at the 2017 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Turek also poses and answers these key questions: what is the purpose of government; can morality be legislated; how can we counter self-defeating statements; and what’s at stake and what should we do?… Continue Reading
“All we can do is pray.” How many times have you heard someone utter these words, often with a somewhat defeatist attitude? Our Spotlight guests this week want you to know that the first thing, the most important thing, Christians can do is pray!
Speaking at an online event hosted by the Illinois Prayer Caucus Network in celebration of National Religious Freedom Day, Randy Forbes and Peter Breen stress the preeminent priority of prayer, especially as the practice and proclamation of our faith increasingly comes under fire.… Continue Reading
The Illinois State Board of Education has approved the proposed “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards” amendment, and on February 16, JCAR (Illinois’ Joint Committee on Administrative Rules) will vote on its ratification. Dr. Eric Wallace joins Monte Larrick to explain why adopting these “standards” will shift the focus from teaching foundational academics and fostering critical thinking skills to promoting Critical Race Theory and “woke” perspectives that dismiss objective truth. Additionally, they discuss how Illinois parents and taxpayers can most effectively stand against the leftist agenda of student indoctrination.… Continue Reading
Two news stories broke this week about Washington D.C. RINOs, demonstrating again, why RINOs should not lead the GOP.
First up, there was the exposé of RINO co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, John Weaver, who joined forces with Kellyanne Conway’s husband George Conway to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris get elected.
The Democratic Party is firmly in control of both federal and Illinois government – now what do we do? Former Illinois state representative, Jeanne Ives, addresses that question in part two of our Spotlight conversation (listen to part one here). We discuss an alarming proposal by liberal, secular Democrats to “restore constitutional secularism and patriotic pluralism” and Jeanne details how we can and must fight against this assault on religious freedom. In light of voting irregularities in Illinois, we also talk about election fraud and changes to the voting process, and stress the need to educate the electorate on public policy and leftists’ efforts to weaken laws that protect life.… Continue Reading
Where do we go from here? Our state is currently suffocating under the weight of massive debt and failed Democratic policies. Yet, former state representative Jeanne Ives says there is hope for Illinois conservatives. She suggests the Republican Party focus on promoting truth, electing conservatives to local governing bodies and boards, and insisting on competency from candidates and government – some TLC, if you will. Jeanne also details the three big issues on which Republicans must stand in unity and gives insight on the compensation Illinois taxpayers pay our public “servants” (warning, you might need to monitor your blood pressure).… Continue Reading
| Benjamin D. Smith | January 26, 2021 12:04 AM | Comments Off on “Passing The Buck: The Demand for Principled Lesser Magistrates” (Illinois Family Spotlight #235)
A hero on the front lines of the abortion war has passed on. Joseph Scheidler, the founder and national director of the Pro-Life Action League, has died at the age of 93. Mr. Scheidler’s impact on the battle for the life of unborn generations is incalculable. Besides his personal influence on pastors and other leaders, Mr. Scheidler was a street warrior, a relentlessly active presence at hundreds of protests and demonstrations at Chicago area abortion mills.… Continue Reading
Just when you thought Leftists couldn’t be more cynical, hypocritical, dishonest, tyrannical, cruel, and nasty, they step up to prove you wrong. If Democrats, by whatever janky standards they’ve made up, think Republicans have gone “low,” Democrats dive headlong into the abyss.
What a time to be alive. Are you ready for it? More specifically, are you prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15)? This podcast might be a good to reinforce your existing apologetic or to begin it. This edition of spotlight features one of the sessions from IFI’s 2017 Worldview Conference with Dr. Frank Turek, the president of Cross Examined. He gives a presentation on presuppositional apologetics and uncovers the real reason people will not accept the truth of Christianity.… Continue Reading