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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

“We’ve Gone Gambling Crazy” (Illinois Family Spotlight #248)

Gambling isn’t a niche issue. It may be low in a hierarchy of important issues, but this sin easily destroys lives, families and communities. Like all sin, gambling promises unprecedented reward in exchange nothing but ends up taking everything. Ken Darnell joins this episode of spotlight to discuss gambling–specifically, how it denies the sovereignty of God and is contrary to the Word of God. Monte, David and Ken start with hamartiology, including a loving rebuke of two podcast hosts who once thought a hair of gambling was okay.… Continue Reading

“Looking to Rebuild A Pro-Family Civilization” (Illinois Family Spotlight #247)

America was founded on the principles of the Scriptures, which contain the prescription for the family unit. Joining Monte Larrick to discuss the absolute necessity of a strong biblical family (one man, one woman–in covenant till death–with many children) for healthy civilization is Dr. Allan C. Carlson, the founder of the World Congress of Families. Monte and Allan discuss the role the biblical family played in the foundation of America, and the problem of familial deterioration all over the world.… Continue Reading

BONUS: Get ’em Out of Government Schools!

This past Saturday, Dave Smith was invited to join the Black & Right radio program on AM 560 The Answer. John Anthony and Rev. Ceasar LeFlore discuss the importance of getting children out of government indoctrination centers and the responsibilities of Christian parents and grandparents.

Government schools are not simply failing to educate students, they are corrupting them morally, spiritually, and, in some cases, harming them physically and mentally. Illinois lawmakers are making the situation worse by passing legislation to mandate LGBT history lessons, force “comprehensive” sex education on students as early as Pre-K, train teachers in Critical Race Theory and identity politics to filter down to the classrooms.… Continue Reading

“In the Name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #246)

It’s a fact – all laws discriminate. While discrimination based on ethnicity or skin color is never acceptable, discrimination based on behavior is appropriate. Speaking at IFI’s 2017 Worldview Conference, Dr. Frank Turek highlights the lies and hypocrisy surrounding the establishment of protected classes of individuals, public bathroom policies, and transgenderism.

The second half of this podcast features a lively Q&A session that covers immigration, open borders, refugees, diversity, the disinclination of the Church to address difficult issues, and more.… Continue Reading

“We’re Going To Lose A Lot of Lives, That’s for Sure” (Illinois Family Spotlight #245)

Legislation has consequences. Good legislation can bring about beneficial improvements and protections, but unwise legislation can have harmful, devastating effects on the people who must abide by it. With that dichotomy in mind, this edition of Spotlight takes an in-depth look at the ramifications of repealing Illinois’ Parental Notice of Abortion Act by considering its impact on the unborn child, the underage mother-to-be and her parents, compassionate and helpful pregnancy center workers, and Planned Parenthood’s bottom line.… Continue Reading

“Talk About Counter-Productive: Gambling As A Revenue Source” (Illinois Family Spotlight #244)

March Madness is in full swing. By this time next week, the NCAA will have crowned the national champion for the 2020-2021 college basketball season. Also, by this time next week, tens of thousands of people will have lost a staggering amount of money due to legalized, online sports betting in our and other states across the nation – and, if Illinois residents had legally been able to bet on college teams located within our state, the losses surely would have been substantially higher.… Continue Reading

“In Defense of Parental Notice of Abortion” (Illinois Family Spotlight #243)

Parents for the Protection of Girls–a grassroots movement to uphold and defend parental notice–recently hosted an online forum in defense of Illinois’s parental notice of abortion act. This spotlight features that especially timely news session with:

Mary Hallan FioRito, a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. She served as a moderator for this forum.

John Jones, a worship pastor at the Christian Life Center in Blue Island, IL. He led off the forum in defense of the parental notification of abortion act.

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“The Nature of Gambling: Sin” (Illinois Family Spotlight #242)

Here’s a topic that appears to have been lost in the shuffle: gambling. But we are surrounded by a culture of gambling. Illinois recently approved a piece of gambling expansion legislation, which IFI and IFA fought against, but has now been encoded. On this episode of spotlight, IFA’s Dave Smith and Monte Larrick take a deep dive into the issues with gambling, and most importantly, what the Triune God has to say about gambling. Their guest is Mr.… Continue Reading

“It’s Time to Exit” (Illinois Family Spotlight #241)

Written by Benjamin Smith

Just when Illinoisans thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Illinois State Legislature’s spring session sets out to prove us all wrong. On this week’s podcast, Monte Larrick and David Smith discuss several of the reprehensible, sin-enabling bills that are on the Democratic Party’s agenda for the 102nd General Assembly. Monte and David emphasize the urgent need for parents to remove their children from public schools ASAP, an action necessitated in part by the recently approved “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards” amendment.… Continue Reading

“Too Far Gone” (Illinois Family Spotlight #240)

According to Laurie Higgins, public schools in Illinois are too far gone – no Christian parent should subject their children to the indoctrination curricula that is being forced on our state’s K-12 students. Laurie was speaking as a featured guest of Janet Parshall on her radio program, In the Market with Janet Parshall, where they discussed the tsunami of radically liberal, pro-LGBTQ and anti-Christian laws and teaching “standards” that are inundating our tax payer-supported public school classrooms.… Continue Reading