In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, we feature three special guests who join Monte Larrick to discuss the mission and importance of 40 Days for Life. Ricki Giersch, Catharine Walker, and Phil Price explain the mission behind the campaign: save as many pre-born children as possible. With the federal and state push by abortion cheerleaders to codify Roe vs. Wade, we need prayer warriors now, more than ever!
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A day doesn't pass without more striking evidence that our ruling elites are not only evil but unhinged.
Sometimes it seems as if the institutions of our seasick culture have embraced the same way of thinking, that is, that every problem is a public-relations problem crying out for a public-relations solution. This obsession with creating appearances instead of addressing realities infects the media, the academy, the entertainment industry, and is currently seen in the hilariously cynical cover-your-backside missives of giant corporations.
As members of the Democratic Party recently doubled down on their calls to pack the U.S. Supreme Court, Justices Stephen Breyer and Amy Coney Barrett issued a series of responses to those pushing to rig the Court for ideological and political gain.

In an interview with Fox News, Justice Breyer warned of the dangers of altering the structure of the Court. When asked about the idea of increasing the number of justices on the bench, he responded...
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his “husband” Chasten recently created a stir by announcing that they had adopted newborns Penelope Rose and Joseph August. In a rather uncomfortable photo-op, the two men are pictured in a hospital bed as if one of them had just given birth, despite the glaringly obvious fact that neither of them ever have or ever will. Not pictured, somewhere, out of frame, Penelope and Joseph have a mother who recently brought them into the world. And they will grow up without her.
This past week, on Labor Day, to be exact, I submitted my routine column to The Washington Times. The topic I chose was frankly quite simple and straightforward; many might rightly suggest it was even boring and mundane. My subject matter was disease immunity, something many of us kind of slept through in our freshman Biology 101 classes.
As a parent, what is your #1 mission in life and what do you need to do to fulfil that mission? On this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick and Dr. Rob Reinow, c0founder (with his wife Amy) of Visionary Family Ministries, consider these questions as they examine the distinctives of a visionary family. Monte and Dr. Reinow also discuss how best to pursue a prodigal child, as well as how to relate and interact with a child who professes Christ but espouses a non-Christian worldview of “hollow and deceptive philosophies,” especially those of a scientific, sexual, and/or political nature.
Last Thursday, Joe Biden dropped the hammer on “the unvaxed,” ordering large companies and government agencies to force employees to get the shots or face weekly tests.  Thus, he broke yet another pledge – never to make the shots mandatory.

This weekend, we remember the Islamic terrorist attacks on America 20 years ago. For many of us, it has left an indelible mark on our memories and changed the way we live forever. The lives lost in the attacks, and the bravery of the First Responders that day must never be forgotten, and we pray for a return to an honest fear of God, sense of unity, and love of country embraced by our nation in the days that followed.… Continue Reading

In regard to presenting students with the best alternative to the radical comprehensive sex education taught in government schools, Scott Phelps, Executive Director of Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership states, “When we maintain a very clear and distinct message from all the noise that they’re hearing in the culture, the message really pops; it stands out and they’re able to hear it and see it very clearly.”
“Republicans finally have an issue on which they can legitimately criticize President Biden.”


Thus wrote “conservative” Washington Post columnist Max Boot about Mr. Biden’s Afghanistan disaster.  This implies that Mr. Boot has only now discovered a chink in Joe’s media-sealed, invisible armor.