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Written by Maggie Gallagher

Sen. Rubio has begun a concerted outreach to evangelicals meeting with pastors in a scene reported through David Brody, who is both widely read himself by evangelicals and the “interpreter” of evangelicals for a lot of political reporters.

Rubio is vowing never to change his beliefs on “traditional” marriage and on abortion. That is good. But the real question is: what will you do to protect the civil rights of traditional believers whom the left is redefining as racists?… Continue Reading



Obama Has Just Begun

Written by Victor Davis Hanson

Insidiously and inadvertently, Barack Obama is alienating the people and moving the country to the right. If he keeps it up, by 2017 it will be a reactionary nation. But, counterintuitive as it seems, that is fine with Obama: Après nous le déluge.

By sheer force of his personality, Obama has managed to lose the Democratic Senate and House. State legislatures and governorships are now predominantly Republican.… Continue Reading



Written by Jeffrey Jones

Americans’ party preferences are closely divided, with 43% identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic and 41% identifying as Republicans or leaning Republican. The parties have been essentially tied since August, representing a shift from months prior when Democrats had the party affiliation advantage.

The results are based on Gallup Daily tracking interviews with approximately 15,000 Americans each month. Gallup asks Americans to say whether they identify politically as a Republican, an independent or a Democrat.… Continue Reading


Cruz on Phone

Written by Thomas Valentine

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show on Monday, where they discussed the recent shooting at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado and the political reaction to it.  You can listen to Cruz’s response and read the transcript from his appearance below:

HUGH HEWITT: Now let’s go to the very, very serious stuff. Jennifer Markovsky, Ke’Arre Stewart and Garrett Swasey, the last, a police officer, lost their lives in Colorado when that gunman killed them last week.

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#GivingTuesday–Invest in the Next Generation

Written by David E. Smith

You’ve likely heard of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” but do you know about “Giving Tuesday”?

It was started in 2012 as a way of remembering that Thanksgiving isn’t about getting but about giving. You might say this four-year-old campaign is an anti-#gettingstufffriday or #materialismmonday movement.

Today,  I invite you to take part in this effort by supporting our Christian values through your support of the Illinois Family ACTION, which works  diligently to advance politically-incorrect truth.… Continue Reading



Written by Aaron Bandler

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on Thursday that he would ensure that men wouldn’t be allowed to go into women’s bathrooms if he were elected president.

The Advocate reported Cruz made his comments on conservative radio talk show host Steven Crowder’s radio show, in which Crowder said that people get offended for using “genetically proper pronouns.”

The Advocate reported what transpired:

“Look, these guys are so nutty that the federal government is going after school districts, trying to force them to let boys shower with little girls,” Cruz responded.

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Written by Doug Ibendahl

Looking for a way to work off that big Thanksgiving feast? Why not take a walk around the neighborhood and collect some petition signatures.

There’s still time to get on the March 15 ballot for Precinct Committeeman (or Ward Committeeman in Chicago). A minimum of only 10 valid signatures are needed to get on the ballot for Precinct Committeeman – and one of those can be your own.

If you live outside of Cook County there’s better than a 50/50 chance your precinct isn’t even represented by an elected Republican Precinct Committeeman right now.… Continue Reading



Written by Thomas Valentine

Last Friday, seven GOP presidential candidates (Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum) descended on Iowa for The FAMiLY Leader’s Presidential Family Forum.  At one point during the event, each candidate was asked for their view on what constitutes “the greatest moral threat” to America.  You can watch their responses below:

FRANK LUNTZ: In two or three sentences, and then we’re going to explore it: what is the greatest moral threat — not economic, not national security — what is the greatest moral threat facing America today?

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Written by Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader (Including those of you stunned by the news that Charlie Sheen has a sexually transmitted disease. Not since Jim J. Bullock announced he was gay have I been more shocked),

If you Google “Christian terrorism,” you’re probably a [Leftists] to begin with. But if you do — bidden not by your own drive to [liberalism] but by the natural curiosity inspired by this “news”letter — you’ll find lots of left-wing trollery about how the worst terrorist attacks on American soil have been committed by Christians.… Continue Reading



The Obama administration appears to have taken yet another terrorism-fighting tool away from U.S. law enforcement trying to screen Syrian refugees.

Written by Kyle Schideler

U.S. law enforcement officials involved in screening Syrian refugees are forbidden from asking key questions about individuals’ religious affiliations or beliefs based on policy guidance created by the Obama administration, according to a recent report published at The Daily Caller.

The piece notes that both Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) policies have increasingly restricted the ability of law enforcement to query individuals about their religious behaviors or associations.

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