There’s no question that animosity exists on both sides of the political spectrum, but have you noticed how personal it has become for many on the left?It is disturbing how intolerant and filled with rage leftist extremists have become, and how many more people are falling into the category of leftist extremism.
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The implicit claim in the assertion that healthcare is a “fundamental human right” is that it is a constitutionally protected right. All experts agree that health care is neither a constitutional nor a legal right. In America we understand that our rights to the free exercise of religion, to speak freely, to bear arms and to be secure from unwarranted search and seizure come from God.
A recent forum on marijuana, hosted by IFI, is the source of this week’s Spotlight podcast. Many factors contribute to the growing problem of homelessness in America and according to Pastor Phil Kwiatkowski, president of Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, the most common factor is drug use and addiction.  With this reality in mind, how could anyone, especially in Chicago (ranked in the top 10 U.S. cities for homelessness), think that legalizing recreational marijuana is a good idea?
What kind of Twilight Zone are we living in when Democrats pretend that the mainstream media are objective journalists and Fox News is an arm of the Trump administration?People are always talking about media bias, so why am I bringing this up now?
With a fraudulent Russian collusion claim no longer in their hip pocket, Democrats are still optimistic about recapturing the White House and the U.S. Senate in 2020.  But they are tired of competing.  To ensure the desired outcome, they’ve proposed steps that would finish off the national, two-party system for all intents and purposes. 
America’s third largest city could soon have a major socialist legislative block at a time when most American cities have not elected any socialist politicians for generations.  Residents of the Windy City woke up Wednesday morning to a dramatic shift in the political landscape after Tuesday’s municipal elections, with at least three council seats won by socialist candidates. The Chicago Democratic Socialists of America (CDSA) and United Working Families (UWF) - once considered “fringe” political parties - have joined in an alliance with the city’s progressive unions to create a budding powerhouse that promises to make radical changes in the city. 
According to, “a cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one's preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. Psychologists study cognitive biases as they relate to memory, reasoning, and decision-making.” The modern day Democratic Party seems to be full of members who struggle with a form of cognitive bias. Look at their behavior. 
Radical left lawmakers set their sights on the Illinois Family Institute/Illinois Family Action via an “official resolution” House Joint Resolution 55 that accuses the traditional family values organization of hate speech and other “bigoted” and hateful” stands. CWA of Illinois Stands with Illinois Family Institute/Illinois Family Action against this big government attempt to target political enemies.
I am a pastor and board member of Illinois Family Action (IFA). I am happy to serve with IFA because I believe that Christian principles have an application for politics and society. Man’s main problem is not political. All men and women enter the world as sinners and need a Savior and salvation. The main thrust of God’s Word is to show the only way of salvation that is found in Jesus Christ, but God’s Word also gives guidance and direction to families and civil governments.
No less than Jeh Johnson, who served as Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama administration from 2013-2017, has declared the situation at our southern border a "crisis." Best of all, he did so on MSNBC.
On February 25th, New York Democrat legislators voted to join several other states in the legalization of abortion for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy--even as a baby is being born.  Shortly thereafter the Democrat Governor of Virginia made remarks on the radio supporting the same legislation in his state including the “right to choose” (death) after the birth of a live baby. 