The news in Illinois these days is grim to say the least. A few days ago Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker announced a plan to ‘Restore’ Illinois that, if actually followed, will surely destroy whatever is left of both our God-given and constitutionally protected civil rights and our livelihoods. According to the governor, ‘normal’ will not return to Illinois until we have a vaccine or a drug that he deems “highly effective.”
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The left's position on the nation's proper response to the pandemic, though shrouded in the language of compassion, is incoherent and morally repugnant virtue signaling. Since this calamity began, many national Democratic leaders, the left-wing media and various never-Trumpers have been more interested in smearing President Donald Trump — no change there — than helping to solve the myriad problems caused by the coronavirus.
On April 14, 2020, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden. In his video announcement, he says of Biden, “Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is.” But Obama is incorrect.
While numerous businesses have been designated as “essential” and allowed to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic, Illinois’ governor has deemed houses of worship for all faith traditions as non-essential entities, denying people of faith access to these facilities for corporate worship and prayer.
Democratic U.S. Senators Catherine Cortez Masto, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar — self-styled feminists who bought every flimsy claim made against now U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — have chosen to stand by Joe Biden in the face of a sexual assault allegation made against him by a former staffer.
The coronavirus did not just come out of nowhere. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) claims that it came out of the wet markets of Wuhan, a city of about 11 million people. But there is evidence that it may have originated in a biolab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Two theories are circulating about the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus.  The media are still selling the idea that it probably arose from an infected bat at an outdoor live animal food market in Wuhan.  That’s also the Chinese Communist Party’s line. 
According to Dr. Michael L. Brown, whether you realize it or not, war is raging in our nation. This war is not with a flesh and blood opponent, but rather with what he terms the “spirit of Jezebel” – demonic forces that are at work in individuals today, just as those same spirits were at work in individuals in biblical times.

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It’s admirable that houses of worship can adapt so quickly in times of crisis. Millions of Americans are staying spiritually engaged thanks to the incredible effort of churches and faith leaders who harnessed the power of technology, social media and the Internet. Even more remarkable is that churches surpassed virtual attendance records even though the quarantine forced them to transition overnight to online services.
An essential principle of the United States is that it is a free country, with individual liberties guaranteed, and government power limited.  That concept is now being tested.  A deadly worldwide pandemic has led to draconian lockdowns, forced closings of businesses, and even mandatory “stay at home” orders, some with Orwellian, friendly sounding names like “Safer at Home” or “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” – but still mandatory and enforced by police.