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Weakness in Our Time

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SPOTLIGHT: A Day With The Baileys

Written and Produced by Jenna Smith

This episode of Spotlight features two guests that Illinois Family staff is proud to call our friends and allies: State Senator and candidate for Illinois Governor Darren Bailey and his amazing wife Cindy. If you’ve been following Illinois politics, you have doubtless heard of Senator Bailey as he has been on the front lines challenging the legalities of COVID lockdowns and fighting against government schools’ sexualization of our children.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Classical Options And Hybrid Education

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this installment of Spotlight, David Smith is joined by Jennifer Burns, founder of Classical Consortium Academy. Jennifer shares how her initial experience with homeschooling and “car-schooling” led her to start H.E.A.R.T. (Homeschool Enrichment Achieved Respectfully Together) at the Village Church of Barrington. As God laid it on her heart to homeschool, He also led her in 2006 to take another step of obedience and found Classical Consortium Academy, a hybrid school that offers in-person instruction several days per week, paired with CCA-directed and parent- administered at-home learning.… Continue Reading

On a Collision Course with National Disaster

Written by David Limbaugh

If I were leading President Joe Biden’s central committee and my goal were to destroy America as founded and ensure that it lose its distinction as the world’s freest and most powerful nation, I doubt I could concoct a superior strategy than adopting the Biden administration’s message and policy agenda.

The administration is creating total societal chaos, fomenting disorder and undermining the rule of law at every turn. As the first duty of government is to protect and defend its citizens, we might be alarmed to consider that the administration is engaged in a multi-pronged strategy to do the opposite.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Rev. C.L. Bryant Says “We Should Not Be Ashamed of Our History”

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, the Reverend C.L. Bryant urges Americans to “push back and stand up against the tyranny that is encroaching upon our civil liberties.” Speaking with Monte Larrick, he stresses that individual freedom and our right to self-governance are in jeopardy. Rev. Bryant recounts his experience growing up in Shreveport, LA in the midst of the civil rights movement and contrasts it with the message that proponents of Critical Race Theory are touting today.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Disgraceful Exploitation of the Tulsa Race Massacre

Written by David Limbaugh

This may shock and amaze you if your blinders are on, but President Biden is not only not a uniter; he is actively trying to divide Americans on race — and other issues — purely for raw political power. There is no other plausible explanation.

During former President Trump’s entire presidency and ever since, we’ve been bombarded daily with the narrative that he is divisive and a racist. His political opponents and the media distorted his words, such as those he said in the aftermath of the Charlottesville attacks, to paint him as sympathetic to white supremacists.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: 2021 Legislative Update

Written by Benjamin Smith

Just when Illinoisans thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Illinois State Legislature’s spring session sets out to prove us all wrong. On this week’s podcast, Monte Larrick and David Smith discuss several of the reprehensible, sin-enabling bills that are on the Democratic Party’s agenda for the 102nd General Assembly. Monte and David emphasize the urgent need for parents to remove their children from public schools ASAP, an action necessitated in part by the recently approved “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards” amendment.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: The Revolution in Education in Illinois Continues

Written by David E. Smith

After almost a year of gubernatorial mandates masquerading as law, it should come as no surprise that another legislative group in Illinois is attempting to do an end run in order to avoid following the accepted, standard procedure of presenting a bill for debate and vote by the General Assembly.

Laurie Higgins, IFI’s cultural affairs writer, joins Pastor Calvin Lindstrom and Pastor James Pittman, Jr. for a podcast, featured on Here I Stand Radio, examining the continuing revolution in education in Illinois.… Continue Reading

You Can’t Make this Stuff Up!

Written by Micah Clark

Former South Bend Mayor, and Democrat presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg is the perfect politician to take a better job in the DC swamp. He is the epitome of everything that is wrong with politics and why Americans are cynical regarding our government.

This would be humorous, were it not true.

As you know, “Mayor Pete” has been named by Joe Biden as his choice to head the U.S. Department of Transportation. Only in government can you fail at your job and get a major promotion, giving you more money and more power to continue in your lack of achievement.… Continue Reading

The Night the Rights Went out in Georgia

Written by Tony Perkins

What Americans witnessed on November 3rd didn’t just happen. A lot of people don’t remember, but the seeds for this election mess were planted way back in 2018 when Democrats won the House. The coronavirus didn’t hurt, of course, but the cheat was on long before Joe Biden was nominated. Why does that matter? Because — the president’s attorneys warn — if Republicans don’t keep fighting, the damage to our democracy is here to stay.… Continue Reading