Written by Michael Lucci
Illinoisans enjoyed a larger paycheck than their Iowa counterparts for 30 years – until 2012.
For the first time ever, the median household in Iowa surpassed its Illinois counterpart, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
If you lined up all households in order of income, the median household would be the one in the very middle. The middle income in Illinois has collapsed by $12,000 in the last 15 years, indicating that the state is hollowing out its middle class.… Continue Reading

Written by IllinoisReview.com
The Illinois Libertarian Party candidates will be on the November 2014 ballot, the State Board of Elections Board decided Friday.
“We’re certified and we’re on the ballot,” Brian Lambrecht of the DuPage County Libertarians told Illinois Review shortly after leaving the hearing in Chicago.
“The Republicans did everything they could to discredit the petition signatures to get us from the 46,000 signatures we gathered to below the required 25,000 signature threshold, but they failed,” Lambrecht said.
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Written by IllinoisReview.com
Neither Governor Pat Quinn nor his Muslim American Advisory Council have commented on, or condemned, ISIS’ beheading of American journalist James Foley.
Quinn’s Muslim American Advisory Council is the only religious group to which the governor has reached out. Although the 500,000 Muslims in Illinois make the state home to the largest Muslim population in America, Catholics are the largest religious group, and unaffiliated evangelicals are the second largest.
No advisory councils or committees representing those two religious groups are listed among the 58 commissions Quinn has created.
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Written by Russ Stewart
Illinois is an anomaly. It is “The Land of Lassitude.” Voters are passive, partisan and forgiving. In state government, there are no checks and balances to Democratic abuses, ineptitude and favoritism.
In any other state, when a governor is impeached, indicted, convicted and imprisoned, the party of that incumbent would be shamed, tarnished and ousted. Not in Illinois.
In any other state, when one party controls all the levers of government — governor, both houses of the state legislature and the supreme court — and that party fails to govern effectively, voters would hold them accountable and they would be ousted.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Brown, Bernie Sanders, Bob Erlich, Brian Schatz, Bruce Rauner, Colleen Hanabusa, Daniel Inouye, George McGovern, George Ryan, Gina Raimondo, Glenn Poshard, Howard Dean, Illinois Democrats, Linda Lingle, Marty O'Malley, Michael Dukakis, Mitt Romney, Neil Abercrombie, Pat Quinn, Rod Blagojevich, Spiro Agnew
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
August 21, 2014 3:00 AM |
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Written by Hilary Gowins
The controversy surrounding Chicago’s red-light camera program just got even more interesting. A judge revealed he is dismissing tickets by the fistful while former key players in the program have been indicted on federal bribery charges.
Less than two weeks after Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that the city will be reviewing more than 16,000 red-light camera tickets, a Chicago judge revealed that he has recently been dismissing as many as 70 percent of contested tickets.… Continue Reading

Written by James Simpson
Elections matter. President Barack Obama proves it every day as he willfully seeks to wreck our nation. But this is very evident elsewhere, too. The 2010 elections reversed decades of Democrat majority control in state houses. Since then, GOP governors and legislatures all over the country have been restoring sanity to state government. Most Americans don’t know this of course, because the media won’t tell you.
One good example is North Carolina.… Continue Reading

Written by Don Irvine
Despite increasing criticism from the mainstream media over how President Barack Obama has responded to the downed Malaysian plane and the latest conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the White House remains defiant, arguing that his response has been appropriate.
Rather than issue a statement immediately after Malaysian flight MH17 was shot down by pro-Russian separatists while flying over Ukraine, Obama continued on with his planned events, which included grabbing a cheeseburger at The Charcoal Pit in Delaware and fundraisers in New York.… Continue Reading

Written by Charlie Butts
An expert on constitutional law says it’s apparent Barack Obama hasn’t learned his lesson from a recent Supreme Court decision.
On Monday President Obama issued an executive order requiring federal contractors to provide special protections for homosexuals, lesbians, and transgender people in the workplace. The order essentially implements the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) for federal contractors – legislation that Congress has failed to pass.
Matt Barber is vice president of Liberty Counsel Action and founder of Barbwire.com… Continue Reading

Written by IllinoisReview.com
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin is not happy with a radio ad ( HERE
) that focuses on the wage gap between men and women working on his Senate staff. So unhappy in fact, that he is threatening legal action against a Quincy, Illinois radio station airing the spot.… Continue Reading

Written by Robert Knight
Hillary Clinton thinks it’s a “hard choice” to take a human life.
She wasn’t talking about soldiers facing combat, or what police do in showdowns with criminals. Or even what an armed homeowner might ponder for a split second during a break-in.
The former First Lady and former Secretary of State was talking about aborting unborn children, which she regards as merely a “choice,” albeit a “hard” one.
And why is it hard, if the baby is not – against all scientific evidence – a human being?… Continue Reading