Category: Uncategorized

Church Attendance Continues To Decline

Written by Rev. Jason J. McGuire

According to The Atlantic, over the past 25 years, 40 million Americans have stopped attending church.

Professor Ryan Burge of Eastern Illinois University states that 45% of members of Generation Z (persons born in the 1990s or later) have no religious affiliation. On the basis of this fact and of other data, Professor Burge asserts that nearly one-third of America’s 350,000 churches are “‘on the brink of extinction’” and that thousands of churches will close in the next few decades.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Horace Cooper Shares A Hopeful Vision for the Future

Written by Ecce Verum

Is the American church dying or reviving? Is being black synonymous with being a progressive liberal? In this episode of the Illinois Family Spotlight podcast, Monte Larrick addresses these and other questions with Horace Cooper, who is currently the Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board and formerly a law professor and senior counsel to a majority leader of the U.S. House of Representatives.

As they explore the black community’s current position in America and assess the strengths and failings of the American church, Larrick and Cooper address topics ranging from Christian charity to the declining black support for the Democratic party.… Continue Reading

If You Think Christians Shouldn’t Be Involved in Politics, Please Consult Your Bible

Written by Paul Hurst

The Bible is filled with reasons for Christians to be involved in politics. This is especially true in America, where unlike many places around the globe, we still have a say in who leads our nation.

I found myself in 2 Kings, Chapter 23 recently. If you read it, you’ll see that a government official, with support of the grassroots, showed great leadership, as he called for a return to a foundation of honoring God, human dignity, and morality.… Continue Reading

Radical Groups Renewing Effort to “Reform” the U.S. Supreme Court

Written by Jorge Gomez

Are court packing and radical “court reform” making a comeback? A coalition of 30+ activist organizations relaunched an effort calling for “structural changes” to the U.S. Supreme Court.

They kicked off their “Just Majority” campaign this week in Boston alongside Massachusetts U.S. Senator Ed Markey, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley. This is the first stop in a nationwide bus tour scheduled to end in late June in Washington.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Protecting Pregnancy Centers

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode of Spotlight, Illinois Family features remarks from Ann O’Connor, Vice President of legal affairs for the National Institute for Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA). This lecture, presented at Speakout Illinois 2023, highlights legislation that is targeting pregnancy care centers for the sole purpose of shutting them down. She states the core of what NIFLA is about in her lecture when she says,

While Dobbs did change abortion not to be the law of our land federally, it didn’t change hearts and that’s our job.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Should be Second to Biblical Unity, Equality, and Truth

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week I wrote an article about DEI and argued that the political agenda of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” is broken, inconsistent, and self-refuting. My premise was that while these words may sound good, they lead to their polar opposites in the hands of today’s progressive demagogues and pedagogues.

More to the point: On the Animal Farm of contemporary politics, diversity now means division, equity means “some are more equal than others,” and inclusion demands that if you don’t parrot what’s popular, you will be excluded.… Continue Reading

Illinois Republicans Desperately Need the Black Conservative Summit

Written by Rev. Ceasar I. LeFlore III

One of the most important events for Illinois Republicans in this current political environment is the Black Conservative Summit, which will take place in Tinley Park on March 24-25, 2023.

The Black Conservative Summit will feature conservative leaders like Larry Elder, Voddie Baucham, Lt. Colonel Allen West, and many Illinois conservative leaders like Stephanie Trussell. This event is an essential tool Republicans need to break through to black voters entrenched in liberal politics and begin peeling away enough of their votes in places like Cook County, which almost always ensures democrat victories in important elections.… Continue Reading

Library Boards & Conservative Candidates in 2023

Written by Jenna Smith

In this week’s episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick converses with Anthony Catella, a candidate for the St. Charles library board. The two discuss theology, the military, and why t’s important to run for local office in your community.

Mr. Catella has a deep sense of civic obligation and service. This sense of service motivated him to enlist in the Army, to become a Priest and serve in the Priesthood. … Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Into the Lions’ Den

Written by Jenna Smith

Illinois is a real piece of work when it comes to politics. But just because Christian conservatives are in the super minority in the General Assembly doesn’t mean we can’t still make an impact! We should!

David Curtain is IFI’s lobbyist, navigating the dark corridors of Springfield and the legislation that issues forth from it. He’s been working under the capitol dome for over 30 years, so he knows the ins and outs of government, but he also is a firsthand witness to the power of prayer.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Sanity as Insurrection by Pastor Doug Wilson

Written by David E. Smith

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight podcast, we revisit a powerful lecture given the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference on the “trans” ideology. Sanity as Insurrection is the title of the final session of that conference, and it was delivered by Pastor Doug Wilson. He stressed the importance of asking sane questions, ones that strike at the heart of the matter, when we engage in debate with our adversaries because “deliberate and premeditated sanity is a challenge to the powers that be.”… Continue Reading