Category: Uncategorized

Calvin Coolidge on The Declaration of Independence

The following text is perhaps one of the most insightful appreciations of the Declaration ever pronounced. President Calvin Coolidge gave this speech in Philadelphia on July 5, 1926, marking the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. We hope you will find it encouraging.

‘If All Men Are Created Equal, That Is Final’

“If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us,
we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it.”
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SPOTLIGHT: A Pro-Life Update from Attorney Peter Breen

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode, Spotlight is featuring remarks made by former state representative Peter Breen at the 2024 Speakout Illinois Pro-Life Conference.

Peter Breen is the executive vice-president and is the head of litigation for the Thomas More Society, which is a non-profit, public-interest law firm that champions the causes of life, family, and freedom.

In his speech, Peter Breen remarks on the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision, which overturned Roe v.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Conversation with Scott Lively

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Scott Lively, author and founder of Biblical Worldview Resource Center.

Scott Lively emphasizes the importance of pushing against the status quo of the culture. He also has a strong message to send to parents who continue to keep their kids in the public school system:

If you are intentionally keeping your kids in public schools, you know the children are being indoctrinated in secular humanist presuppositions in every field.

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SPOTLIGHT: Marriage & Gen Z

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight features a conversation between IFI’s David Smith, IFI board member Richard Hartian, and Scott Phelps.

Scott Phelps is the executive director of A&M Partnership (Abstinence and Marriage Partnership). A&M Partnership was founded in 2004, and exists to ensure that every teenager in the country has the opportunity to hear a clearly reasoned, positive presentation on the benefits of abstinence until marriage and instruction on preparing for a healthy, future marriage.… Continue Reading

An Inquiry into Reparations: Who will pay Whom?

Written by Edward R. Straka, MA

At first blush, one may think that “reparations” are entirely something that has arisen with the context of 21st century American politics, but this is incorrect. The legal concept has been around for quite some time going back centuries here in America and even further in other countries.

Yet to simplify our current discussion, we will focus on the American examples of it, and future demands for it. Equally, we will define it to get our terms correct:


A repairing or keeping in repair

B reparations plural REPAIRS

2 a the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury

bsomething done or given as amends or satisfaction[i]

Historically, the first example of “reparations” in America was in the year 1773 and involved a kidnapping case of one man (white) and another man (molatto).… Continue Reading

Sanctuary Cities and NGOs: Follow the MONEY! (Part II)

Written by Nancy Hayes

According to a recent report from WBEZ Chicago, there were unprecedented record numbers of illegals apprehended at the southwest border in the last week of December 2023. In fact, it was reported in the last five days of December alone that over 50,000 illegals crossed our southwest border.

One might ask: when did we decide it would be good for the U.S. to become the number one WELFARE COUNTRY in the world?… Continue Reading

When Heaven and Nature Sing: The Wonders of God’s Love

Written by Robert Knight

At Christmastime, we’re surrounded by sights and sounds that remind us not only that God loves us but also all of his creation. It was Psalm 98 that sent the English poet Isaac Watts to his desk in 1719 to pen one of the most beloved hymns of all time, “Joy to the World.”

The psalm begins with a celebration about singing to the Lord a “new song.” Midway through, it says:

All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.Continue Reading



Illinois Family Action would like to wish all of our friends a very Merry Christmas!! Enjoy this special time of the year with your families.

Below I’ve included a Christmas essay by Chicago Pastor Thorin Anderson that proclaims the good news of our Savior, Jesus Christ, yet at the same time reminds us that the world is far from being ready to accept the Truth, that we all are sinners in need a Savior.… Continue Reading

Traitorous Pat Brady Heads Deeper Into Darkness

Written by David E. Smith

The disgraced former Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, Pat Brady, has gone further to the dark side. In various media reports it has been revealed that the double-dealing Brady has joined the board of Personal PAC, a pro-abortion, pro-transgender organization. Their agenda is fixated on the destruction of innocent pre-born life and the chemical castration of confused young people. They seem to be obsessed with the devil’s war on human beings.… Continue Reading

Growing Fears of Government Weaponization

Written by David E. Smith

During a U.S. House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, U.S. Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) emphatically complained to Attorney General Merrick Garland that there is growing fear of government persecution among Americans, saying at one point, “It’s like KGB.”

In a subsequent Tweet later, she points out:

“As someone who grew up in the Soviet Union, I’m disturbed by the fact that so many hardworking Americans—including my constituents—are afraid of political persecution by our own government.”

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