Category: Sanctity of Life

Still ‘Pro-Choice’ After This? Then You Have no Soul


Written by J. Matt Barber

Moral clarity alert. The kid gloves are off. Time for some serious soul searching.

You proponents of the torturous live-dismemberment of children in the womb, just knock it off already. Your pro-abortion euphemisms – “pro-choice,” “reproductive freedom,” “women’s rights” and other such propagandist nonsense – have run their shameful course. As you regressive “progressives” like to say, “The science is settled.” Pre-born babies are objectively and empirically distinct persons with emotions, autonomy (though in a dependent stage of human development, not unlike post-birth babies) and the unalienable human rights intrinsic to all human beings.… Continue Reading

Benham Brothers on Tim Kaine: Many Professing Christians Act Like ‘Functional Atheists’


Written by Samuel Smith

Many Christians today, such as Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, are actually “functional atheists” because they won’t stand up for their biblical values in the public square, the sibling real estate team “The Benham Brothers” said this past weekend.

In an email interview that was published by the Conservative Review, Christian twin businessmen and authors Jason and David Benham discussed their second book Living Among Lions: How to Thrive Like Daniel in Today’s Babylon and their thoughts on Hillary Clinton‘s running mate, a Catholic who personally opposes abortion but will not stand in the way of a “woman’s right to choose.”

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Planned Parenthood President Decries Donald Trump Calling Pregnancy an ‘Inconvenience’

Cecile Richards

Written by Michael Gryboski

Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards denounced Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comment calling pregnancy an “inconvenience.”

In a speech delivered at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Richards spoke about the issues she had with Trump’s stated views on women and abortion.

“Donald Trump has pledged to appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade and undo decades of progress. His policies aren’t just frightening — they’re rooted in a disturbing worldview,” said Richards.

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U.S. Senator Tim Kaine – Planned Parenthood Approved


Written by Jim Finnegan

No surprise when the left leaning media try’s to sell Irish “catholic” Tim Kaine as a devout Catholic. You gotta be kidding me!  An oxymoron calling one who supports the evil of abortion “Pro Life.”

U.S. Senator Kaine with plenty of chutzpah, joins with the media by calling himself Pro-Life while supporting abortion on demand. You do not get a 100 percent approval rating from Planned Parenthood while being Pro-Life.

Kaine falls back on the tired old canard “I am not in favor of abortion, but would never tell another what to do.… Continue Reading

An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton About Black Babies

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Is it all politics, or does Hillary understand the incongruity of her statements on black babies?

I know that you and Mr. Clinton have been considered real friends of the African-American community to the point that, before President Obama’s election, your husband was jokingly referred to as the nation’s first black president.

I also know that you have identified proudly as an “old fashioned Methodist” and that you warmly welcomed a contingent of African-American pastors who laid hands on you and anointed you as the next president.… Continue Reading

Chris Nybo Illustrates Why Americans Distrust Lawmakers

Nybo interview

Written by Laurie Higgins

There are many reasons for the disapproval and even contempt Americans have for their elected representatives. These include lawmakers’ penchant for corruption and collusion in the service of their self-interests, chief of which may be their undying devotion to perpetual re-election.

Another reason for the subterranean reputation of many of our lawmakers is their commitment to dissembling. In a recent Facebook fit of pique over a short article written by IFI Executive Director David Smith that summarized State Senator Chris Nybo’s (R-24th*) distinctly unconservative votes, Nybo rebuked Smith for failing to publicly acknowledge that he, Nybo, had “refused to support” SB 1564.… Continue Reading

Americans’ Attitudes Toward Abortion


Written by Lydia Saad

U.S. public opinion on abortion was largely steady over the past year, as Americans remained split on the morality of abortion as well as in their preferences for the “pro-choice” vs. “pro-life” labels. The vast majority of adults continue to believe abortion should be legal to some extent, with 29% saying it should be legal in all circumstances and 50% favoring legality under certain circumstances.

Recent Trend in U.S. Abortion Views
May 6-10, 2015 May 4-8, 2016
% %
Morality of abortion
Morally acceptable 45 43
Morally wrong 45 47
Abortion position
“Pro-choice” 50 47
“Pro-life” 44 46
Legality of abortion
Legal under any circumstances 29 29
Legal only under certain circumstances 51 50
Illegal in all circumstances 19 19

Moral Acceptability Has Increased, Longer Term

The public’s attitudes on the morality of abortion reflect a recent split, and contrast with a slightly more conservative stance seen in most years from 2002 through 2014.… Continue Reading

Unions and Planned Parenthood: A Love Story


Written by Paige Halper

In July 2015, The Center for Medical Progress began releasing videos that featured Planned Parenthood executives discussing fetal tissue sales.

The videos sparked so much public outrage, some in the pro-life movement, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, called for an end of Planned Parenthood’s government funding (the organization received $1.5 million in government grants in 2014).

But there’s one source of Planned Parenthood’s funding that never enters the conversation — a secret weapon since the beginning.… Continue Reading

It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Tell the Truth About Her Abortion Views


Written by Mary Powers

It looks like the Republican candidates were right all along.

During a February debate in New Hampshire, U. S. Senator Marco Rubio called out the mainstream media for not asking the Democratic candidates about their positions on abortion. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, too, has consistently talked about Secretary Hillary Clinton’s extreme stances on the issue. Two months later, while vying for New York’s vote, Clinton decided it was time to bring out her favorite issue—abortion—and call out the media for not asking her about it in debates (town halls don’t count apparently).… Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Accidentally Admits Something True


Written by Laurie Higgins

Hillary Clinton accidentally admitted the inconvenient truth that the product of conception between two humans growing inside his or her mother is an “unborn person” and a “baby.”

According to Clinton, these unborn persons, these babies have no constitutional rights, which necessarily means no right to continue living—no right to be protected from being involuntarily killed.

According to Clinton, it is morally defensible to sacrifice babies’ lives but indefensible to sacrifice “a woman’s right to make decisions.”… Continue Reading