Category: Religious Liberty

The One Act that Defined President Barack Obama

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Written by Peter Heck

How appropriate it was that President Obama delivered his farewell address from Chicago, the crime capital of America … for it is indeed his crime against a humble group of nuns that will be forever etched in many people’s memory.

I was unable to watch President Obama’s Farewell Address last Tuesday night delivered appropriately in the crime capital of the country, Chicago, Illinois.  That didn’t break my heart because I found myself indifferent to the spectacle for a number of reasons.… Continue Reading

Huge Number of Americans Now Say Protecting Religious Freedom is ‘Immediate Priority’

Republicans and Democrats agree. For once.

Written by Billy Hallowell

A new Marist Poll found that the majority of Americans — 89 percent — believe protecting religious freedom is an important undertaking, with 57 percent calling it an “immediate priority.”

While Republicans were the most likely (66 percent) to see the issue as one of immediate importance, the poll, which was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus, found that 55 percent of Democrats and 51 percent of Independents agreed. These are intriguing findings, considering the ongoing debate over the balance between gay rights and religious liberty.… Continue Reading

6 Political New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make

Written by Sondra Clark

As the calendar year ends, minds quickly turn to losing weight, eating healthy, saving money, and spending more time with family. But just as 2016 caused us to rethink politics, it’s time to rethink this year’s New Year’s resolutions.

The voice of the American voters has never been louder, and with unified Republican control of the House, Senate, and White House for the first time in 15 years, there promises to be a lot happening in 2017.… Continue Reading

Jihadis Vs. ‘Christendom’

The black flag of jihad (Danielo/Shutterstock)

Written by Rod Dreher

This is extremely bad news:

Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was assassinated at an Ankara art exhibit on Monday evening by a lone Turkish gunman shouting “God is great!” and “don’t forget Aleppo, don’t forget Syria!” in what Russia called a terrorist attack.

The gunman, who was described by Ankara’s mayor as a policeman, also wounded at least three others in the assault, which was captured on Turkish video, before he was killed by other officers in a shootout.

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A New Defense for Religious Liberty: Going on Offense against Bad Laws

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Written by David Rosenthal

It is no secret that religious liberty is under attack.  The wedding photographerflorist, and cake baker are no longer able to practice their faith at work without fear of retribution for refusing to fall in line with the new government orthodoxy.

The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment is designed to ensure that all Americans may freely live out their faith.  This is not limited to freedom of worship, but includes the heart, mind, and soul of religious people, thereby guiding how people act in the public square.  … Continue Reading

The Diversity Police Went Too Far In Attacking HGTV’s ‘Fixer Uppers’


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

For years I have said that gay activists and their allies would overplay their hand and that their bullying would backfire. It is happening today in front of our eyes as a Christian couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, who recently graced the cover of People magazine, is now being attacked simply for attending a Christian church. Oh, the thought of it!

Yes, if you are a public figure and you attend a church that preaches that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and you actually believe that homosexuals can be changed by the power of the gospel, you should be shamed, ridiculed, and perhaps even fired.… Continue Reading

Rafael Cruz Remembers Life in Cuba

Written by Bob Weir

To shed some light on the death of Fidel Castro, I did an interview with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz, who lived under the oppressive regime of the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.

Have you ever had experiences in which you felt as though your government was taking unfair advantage of you, and it seemed as though you had no power to do anything about it?  Have you written your congressman, senator, or county commissioner several times and only received form-letter responses?  … Continue Reading

Emails Revealed: Anti-Catholic and Anti-Evangelical Bigotry


Written by John Biver

Wikileaks has made a large contribution to the information war this election season.

The much admired Princeton Professor Robert George had this to say about the recently revealed emails from Wikileaks:

…I can’t say I’m surprised by the noxious anti-Catholic bigotry contained in emails exchanged between leading progressives, Democrats and Hillary Clinton operatives. These WikiLeaks-published emails confirm what has been evident for years. Many elites, having embraced secular progressivism as not merely a political view but a religion, loathe traditional faiths that refuse to yield to its dogmas.

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Americans Split on Whether Religious Freedom or LGBT Rights Are More Important

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Written by Michael Gryboski

Americans are divided as to whether religious freedom or LGBT rights should be favored when the two concepts conflict with one another.

Recent findings from the Pew Research Center show the American public near evenly split on whether or not a business can refuse to service a same-sex wedding on religious grounds.

Out of a sample of about 4,500 adults, Pew found that 48 percent of respondents believed that businesses which provided wedding services should be allowed to refuse to service gay weddings if the owner has religious objections.… Continue Reading

Pastors to Protest IRS Restrictions on Speaking About Politics


Written by Anugrah Kumar

Pastors across the country will protest Internal Revenue Service restrictions on them not to talk politics in the church as they observe the annual Pulpit Freedom Sunday, days after the introduction of the Free Speech Fairness Act in the U.S. House to reinstate pastors’ and churches’ rights to speak freely.

“The IRS has no business acting as the speech police of any non-profit organization, as its many scandals over recent years have made clear,” said Erik Stanley, senior counsel of the Arizona-based Alliance Defending Freedom, which started Pulpit Freedom Sunday in 2008.

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