Category: Religious Liberty

What Can Religious Liberty Movement Learn From Success of Pro-Lifers?

Written by Samuel Smith

As conservative Christians continue to push for religious freedom protections in the wake of the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage, there might be lessons religious freedom advocates can take away from the successes of the pro-life movement.

Two pro-life leaders and a religious liberty scholar participated in a panel discussion on Saturday titled “What the Religious Liberty Movement Can Learn From the Victories of the Pro-Life Movement” at the Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit.… Continue Reading

Please Join the Movement to Free America’s Pulpits

Written by John Biver

The Alliance Defending Freedom has been doing important work to free America’s pulpits from government censorship. The organization is now pushing Congress “to fix the unconstitutional Johnson Amendment through the Free Speech Fairness Act (FSFA)”:

The FSFA restores free speech to churches and other nonprofits by allowing them to freely speak on current cultural and political issues without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status.

How can you help? Congress needs to know that America’s pastors want this legislative fix.

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Dick Durbin Joins Leftist Colleagues Seeking to Impose a Religious Test on Court Nominee

Written by John Biver

A few Democrat U.S. Senators, including Illinois’ own Dick Durbin, have been criticized for their questioning of 7th Circuit Court of Appeals nominee Amy Coney Barrett on the grounds that they were attempting to impose a religious test in contravention of the U.S. Constitution.

The National Review’s Alexandra DeSanctis provides the background:

Barrett is a law professor at the University of Notre Dame who has written about the role of religion in public life and delivered academic lectures to Christian legal groups.

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U.S. Senate Democrats Grill Appointee Over Catholic Faith

Written by Michael Gryboski

A few U.S. Senate Democrats recently grilled a judicial nominee to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals over her Roman Catholic beliefs.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Notre Dame Law School Professor Amy Coney Barrett held Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., expressed concern over the nominee being too religious.

At issue were comments made by Professor Barrett going as far back as 1998, which some have interpreted as saying that Catholic teaching should take precedence over the law.… Continue Reading

The Terrifying Changes Britain has Seen Since Instituting Same-Sex “Marriage”

Written by Joshua Denton

Roughly four years ago, then Prime Minister David Cameron announced that MP’s would decide whether or not to redefine the meaning of marriage. The announcement came as somewhat of a surprise as David Cameron had not made any mention whatsoever in his pre-election manifesto (or platform) signalling his intention to initiate this possible shift.

In the ensuing chaos leading up to the vote, David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house.… Continue Reading

The SPLC and JP Morgan Chase: Willful Ignorance in the Information Age

Written by John Biver

The Wall Street Journal (WSJis reporting this about the bank JPMorgan Chase and its willful ignorance:

The largest U.S. bank by assets will donate $1 million split between the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League “to further their work in tracking, exposing and fighting hate groups and other extremist organizations,” according to an internal bank memo sent Monday that was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Is it possible that the executives at JPMorgan Chase have missed the national news about how the SPLC has disintegrated into a radical Leftist hate group?… Continue Reading

Anti-Christian Activists Claim Marco Rubio’s Tweets are “Constitutional Violation”

Written by William M. Briggs

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is so upset that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has been tweeting quotations from the Bible, they wrote him a hot letter about it.

Professing themselves to be wise, the group became fools and say Senators quoting the Bible is a “constitutional violation.”

We understand that you have been tweeting bible verses from @MarcoRubio to nearly three million followers. It appears that you began tweeting the bible in mid-May and have been doing so regularly ever since.

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Christian Ministry Sues the SPLC for ‘Hate Group’ Designation

Written by Peter LaBarbera

The Christian pro-family organization D. James Kennedy Ministries is filing a defamation lawsuit against the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for labeling it a “hate group.”

D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJMK), formerly known as Coral Ridge Ministries, is among dozens of organizations opposing the LGBTQ agenda, radical Islam, and uncontrolled immigration that have been tarred as “hate” organizations by the SPLC, which is now receiving millions of dollars in new funding in the wake of the recent racial violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.… Continue Reading

CNN’s Hate Group List Smears Some Great Organizations

Written by Tom Gilson

CNN has just published a map and listing of “all the active hate groups where you live.” I’ve got serious problems with lists like this, but apparently CNN doesn’t. It seems to me that if they believe in “hate group” lists, they really ought to include themselves on it.

A list like this one, published days after Charlottesville, is, in theory, meant to warn Americans against groups that might carry similar violence into other cities.… Continue Reading

The New Conservative Legal Mainstream—and Why the Left is Worried

Written by John A. Sparks

U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Patrick Leahy claimed that newly confirmed U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was not in the “legal mainstream.” They were referring to the “living Constitution” approach to constitutional interpretation. That interpretative approach, still thriving today and embraced by the liberal left, says that the U.S. Constitution should be a document that judges regard as one “that evolves, changes, over time, and adapts to new circumstances, without being formally amended.”… Continue Reading