Category: Federal Elections

GOP Presidential Candidates on Common Core


Compiled by Lia Annunziata

Some of the concerns with Common Core include the questionable academic quality, non-transparent creation and quick adoption, federal involvement, expansion of student data-mining and the further erosion of state and local control.

As they have learned how Common Core will affect curricula, teaching, and testing, state lawmakers and citizens have strongly objected, causing more than a dozen states to consider withdrawing and others to drop their involvement with federally funded tests.

Here’s what the 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates say about Common Core.… Continue Reading

9 Important Facts About the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal


Written by Ray Nothstine

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared triumphant and invigorated after Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders bellowed, “Enough with the damn e-mails!” at last week’s Democrat debate in Las Vegas.

The scandal, which some have compared to Watergate because of its “drip” effect, first surfaced in March and threatens to unravel a campaign that was once seen as a coronation. Clinton, who has brushed aside past scandals like Whitewater and Travelgate, wants to turn the email controversy into the past tense as well.… Continue Reading

Sanders Doesn’t Fully Understand Drug Use and Incarceration


Posted by Parents Opposed to Pot

During the Democratic debate on October 13, Bernie Sanders had a misunderstanding of the facts when he suggested people go to prison for smoking a joint. A few days later, Dan Riffle, a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project, admitted on Twitter that it doesn’t happen. However, for the last five years, the marijuana advocates have aggressively promoted the misconception that people are arrested and go to prison for pot possession alone.… Continue Reading

Ted Cruz: Far Left Hates Christians, Obama Trained by Harvard’s Marxist Elites


Written by Ray Nothstine

Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday and declared the “far left” in American politics as having a deeply ingrained hostility toward Christianity.

Hannity set up the interview with a recording of President Obama’s comments to notable novelist Marilynne Robinson in mid-September that seemed to be critical of committed Christians. In a story reported by The Christian Post on Wednesday, the president criticized highly religious people for being suspicious of others and taking an “us versus them” approach within the broader American culture.… Continue Reading

Fact Check: Clinton, Sanders Revise History in Dem Debate


Associated Press

Hillary Rodham Clinton revised history in the Democratic debate when insisting she’s not a flip-flopper on a trade deal she promoted as secretary of state but turned against as a presidential candidate.

Bernie Sanders overstated the share of wealth being taken by the richest Americans, a subject that goes to the core of his campaign.

A look at some of the claims in the debate among Democratic rivals Tuesday night and how they compare with the facts:

CLINTON on the Trans-Pacific Partnership: “I did say, I hoped it would be the gold standard'” of trade agreements.… Continue Reading

Questioning Fiorina’s Right-Wing Credentials

Written by Chad Groening

Fiorina is currently in third place in a compilation of polls at RealClearPolitics, trailing Donald Trump and Ben Carson respectively.

Her bump in poll numbers came after the former Hewlett-Packard CEO delivered a strong performance in the September GOP debate, when she challenged Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch the undercover Planned Parenthood videos.

Cathie Adams of Texas Eagle Forum claims that Fiorina failed to unseat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer because Republican voters couldn’t find a “stark contrast” between the Republican challenger and the Democrat incumbent.… Continue Reading

Top 10 Pro-Family Actions for Next President

White House

Written by Linda Harvey

What should be the top priorities of the next president?

If our next commander in chief is truly a family advocate and a defender of religious liberty, he or she will reject the aggressive, anti-Christian homosexual agenda in all its various dimensions and do everything possible to reverse the damage done under Obama/Biden.

There are other priority lists for our next president that deserve a wide hearing that focus on immigration, national defense, the soaring debt, race relations and at the top, limiting/ending abortion.… Continue Reading

Carson’s Scandal


Ben Carson

Written by Gary L. Bauer

Dr. Ben Carson is in deep trouble according to the media mavens. Did they discover his missing emails containing classified material? Was he caught trying to get the IRS to audit his political enemies? Did he threaten, if elected president, to use executive orders to ram through his agenda?

No, Carson’s “scandal” is bigger than any of those.

Asked on Fox News what he would have done if he was in a situation similar to what students faced at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon, Carson said, “I would not just stand there and let him shoot me.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservatives Could Find Kirk Alternative in GOP Primary



A businessman from Oswego, Illinois has stepped forward to challenge Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk in the 2016 Illinois Republican Party – and he’s building support among Illinois conservative Republicans and Tea Party activists.

James Marter, a 52 year old computer analyst, hasn’t held elected office before, but in a year when voters are flocking to Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson, what would normally be considered a detriment in a statewide election, coming from a business background could be a plus.

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Has Hillary lost the Teamsters over Keystone XL?


Written by Daniel John Sobieski

The Fox News report that the Teamsters have decided not to endorse Hillary Clinton’s candidacy at this time, shortly after her pronouncement of her opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, does not surprise and shows the peril of trying to be all things to all constituencies.

On the one hand, there is a need to placate environmentalists and climate change true believers who oppose the pipeline from Canada. Among them is billionaire Tom Steyer, an eco-zealot who has pledged his fortune in support of Democratic candidates who want to repeal the Industrial Revolution who want us to rely on solar power even when the sun doesn’t shine and wind turbines when there’s nary a breeze.… Continue Reading