Category: Federal Elections

For Democrats, God’s a Fading Factor

Written by Robert Knight

The presidential primary battle moves to South Carolina, which is nearly the polar opposite of Vermont and New Hampshire in terms of religiosity.

New Hampshire, whose state motto is “live free or die,” was once home to hardy souls like Robert Frost, whose Christian-inspired poems about nature’s wonders contain glimpses of eternity. Now the Granite State is the least religious in America.

It makes perfect sense that Democrats in the least religious state voted in historic margins for an outright socialist from Vermont – the next least religious state – in last Tuesday’s presidential primary.

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Cognitive Dissonance and the Followers of Donald Trump

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

When the legendary boxing promoter Bob Arum was challenged about the veracity of one of his past statements, he famously replied, “Yesterday I was lying, today I am telling the truth.”

This leads to the obvious question, “But Mr. Arum, what will you tell us tomorrow?”

There is something about Arum’s line that reminds me of Donald Trump, except that: 1) Arum was not running for the office of the President of the United States; and 2) Trump could say the same thing that Arum did but it appears that many of his followers would say, “You see!… Continue Reading

Dear Trump Supporters: Hear Me Out Before You Vote


Dear Trump supporters:

America hears you.

You are angry with the gridlock caused by the petty bickering of professional politicians more interested in being lackeys to lobbyists and other big-money donors than in improving the lives of average wage-earning Americans. Money, jobs and opportunities seem to flow upstream to those who already have everything, rather than downstream to those most in need. Truly, this is how most Americans feel.

The question for this election is: Which candidate will actually do something about it?… Continue Reading

Islam and Socialism Creepily Similar


Written by David L. Hunter

Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to take American backwards to the pre-Colonial times of the Pilgrims circa 1620, where Socialism failed miserably.  Likewise, Democrats want to take America to its 21st-century progressive equivalent, the big-government nanny state.  In fact, the Democrats’ former reverential, almost cult-like treatment of Barack Obama – a dubious figureobviously anti-American, ultra-constitutional, and pro-Islamic – is reflective of the same blind devotion the purveyors of sharia law, the imams, expect of their followers.… Continue Reading

“Hookers For Hillary”

Written by Kelli Serio

With a new campaign called “Hookers for Hillary,” Dennis Hof says his girls will do anything they can to support Hillary.

“I’m reaching out to the Democrats in northern Nevada and saying ‘what can we do to help?’” Hof told The Daily Caller. “Air Force Amy has announced that she’s going to give another half-hour to any donor who donates to Hillary. An extra half-hour of time in the bedroom. That’s her way of supporting.… Continue Reading

Fact Check: Trump Supports Planned Parenthood Funding


From Conservative Review

Donald Trump said, during [Saturday night’s] CBS News Debate, that Ted Cruz lied when Cruz said that Trump continues to support Planned Parenthood.  Did Cruz lie?

Here’s what Breitbart reported that Donald Trump said regarding Planned Parenthood during the defund fight.

When pressed on non-abortion services Planned Parenthood allegedly provides, Trump said, “What I would do when the time came, I’d look at the individual things they do, and maybe some of the individual things they do are good.

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Which Presidential Aspirant(s) Would Make America (And You!) Prosper?


Written by Ralph Benko – Senior Economic Advisor at the American Principles Project

As I recently wrote in my column, “Presidential elections are about, above all, just two things: our security and our prosperity.” The GOP candidates have been emphatic about our national security, about which more in a bit.

All of them strangely have been pretty quiet about our prosperity. Getting the economy moving again deserves, now, to be the top issue. Ted Cruz has offered the most Reaganesque plan for getting us robust growth.… Continue Reading

Trump’s Loss to Cruz Shows Power of Religious Liberty as Campaign Issue

Religious Liberty

Written by Jon Schweppe

The results of the 2016 Iowa Caucus are in, and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) won with 28 percent of the vote. Donald Trump finished in a disappointing second place with 24 percent, while U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) surged to a close third place with 23 percent.

Terry Schilling, Executive Director at American Principles Project and contributor to The Pulse 2016, explained the results:

“Tonight proves one thing — if you won’t prioritize protecting religious liberty, you won’t win,” Schilling said.… Continue Reading

A Big Victory for Marriage and Religious Liberty

Dear Friend of Marriage and Religious Liberty,

Senator Ted Cruz’s victory [last night] is a resounding affirmation by the Republican voters of Iowa of their determination to protect the institution of marriage against the onslaught being waged against it by cultural and judicial elites.

Iowans have said to the five U.S. Supreme Court justices who in the Obergefell decision sought to impose “same-sex marriage” on them and the people of every other state: This will not stand!… Continue Reading

The MAIN Difference Between Cruz and Trump Supporters

Cruz Trump

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

There are similarities between Trump and Cruz supporters but the prime difference is that the Trump voter is mainly actuated by one principle: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

If you despise the GOP establishment and you hate Political Correctness then Trump the “outsider,” who has challenged those things vociferously, is very appealing. The dismayed and despondent, blind with rage, just want a pound of flesh. RINO flesh. And who can blame them?… Continue Reading