Category: Federal Elections

The New Democratic Party

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Written by Hubert London

Where is the Democratic party? The party of political giants like FDR, LBJ and JFK is missing in action along with the letters that defined its heroes. This is now the party of Obama, Schumer, Pelosi – a facsimile of the past and a party without direction and policy guidelines.

America needs a two-party system. Differences are desirable within a Constitutional framework. Parties have served the nation well; albeit exceptions abound.… Continue Reading

Media Bias on Snooping Benefits Obama over Trump

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Written by Robert Knight

A week ago, President Trump unleashed a media firestorm when he accused former President Barack Obama in a tweet of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York.

The standard portrayal: Once again, the president has shot from the hip, right into his foot, “without any evidence” whatever.

These are the same media that excitedly accused the Russians of “hacking the election,” based on a report from the CIA, FBI and NSA in early January while Mr.… Continue Reading

No Room for Pro-Lifers in Dem Party, says Dean

keep abortion legal abortion kills signs

Written by Michael Haverluck

With Democratic National Committee Chair (DNC) Tom Perez now leading the Democratic Party in a new Trump era after suffering severe losses in the November election, former DNC Chair Howard Dean stressed that his party must purge itself of pro-life advocates in order to stage a comeback.

When Dean spoke with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, the co-host brought up a previous interview he had with former Gov. Steve Beshear (D-Ky.),… Continue Reading

Democrats Say Voter Fraud’s A Myth. That’s A Lie. Here’s More Proof.

Written by James Barrett

Democrats consistently scoff at the suggestion that widespread voter fraud is taking place across the country, mocking the idea as a “myth” and decrying Republicans’ attempts to address it in even the most minor, unobjectionable ways as “racist” attempts to “suppress the minority vote.” The only problem with the Democrats’ dismissive claims about the “myth” is, as Ohio just demonstrated, actual facts.

“Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered to vote in the state, and dozens of them voted illegally,” NBC News-Columbus reported Monday.… Continue Reading

Democrats: Doomed by Internal Contradictions

Written by Michael Medved

To understand why they lost the election to Donald Trump and the Republicans, stunned Democrats must come to terms with the internal contradictions in their party’s policies and personalities.

On a policy level, Democrats tell the voters that the government is corrupt, and slanted toward the rich and powerful, even while they seek to grow that government. If corrupt government is using its power to help the privileged, you can’t correct the problem by handing government even more power.… Continue Reading

‘Indivisible,’ With Ties to George Soros, Sows Division Against Trump, GOP Lawmakers

Written by Frank Lucas

Democrats who used to work on Capitol Hill are helping to disrupt Republican lawmakers’ town hall meetings across the country through a nationwide effort to oppose and “resist” President Donald Trump’s agenda.

They call their group Indivisible Guide, a name that came from an actual guide posted online telling activists how to pressure members of Congress. Among topics: what to say when going to town halls and calling or visiting a member’s office.… Continue Reading

7 Things You Need To Know About Incoming RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel

Written by Aaron Bandler

Ronna Romney McDaniel has officially been named as the new chair of the Republican National Committee.

“I am a mom from Michigan,” McDaniel said in Tuesday’s RNC meeting. “I am an outsider. And I am here to make Donald Trump and Republicans everywhere successful.”

McDaniel also criticized the Democrat Party as an “elite, coastal, redistributionist Party of the status quo” and hailed the Republican Party as “the national, opportunity for everyone, party of change.”

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Illinois Election Data Now Available From Statewide on Down to the Precinct Level


Written by John Biver

Are you curious about how the vote turned out in your area? What did voters decide in your precinct? Did they vote to continue “hope and change,” or did they instead cast their ballot to “make America great again”? This information is especially important for elected Precinct Committeemen who worked their precincts.

Precinct-level election results and more can be found with a few points and clicks at the website “Illinois Election Data,” “a data driven website … created to share and display useful campaign data on Illinois elections.”… Continue Reading

The Unexpected Contest of 2016: Free Market Capitalism v. Democratic Socialism


Written by John Biver

Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders brought back to life a debate many thought had died with the old Soviet Union of Socialist Republics, the German Democratic Republic (the former East Germany), and many other current and past failed states throughout history. The question of whether socialism can be made to work returned zombie-like from the dead in 2016.

Supporters of free market capitalism were asking how this could be in light of the fact that no matter where socialism has been tried in the world it has failed.… Continue Reading

Fear the Voting Dead


Written by Daniel J. Sobieski

President-elect Donald J. Trump has been mocked for his tweeted claim that if it were not for illegal aliens voting, he might very well have won the popular as well as the electoral vote. Is his claim less credible than the one put forth by some of Trump’s opponents that Russian hackers got into voting machines that aren’t even connected to the Internet to switch votes around?

Trump puts the number at several million.… Continue Reading