Category: Political Satire & Memes


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The First Fake Media-Induced Mental Illness

Written by Jeffery Ford

Fake mainstream news sources have actually succeeded in broadcasting so much unbridled fear into the United States that weak-kneed left-leaning Americans are coming down with a mental illness that goes by two different names: Trump Anxiety Disorder and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The symptoms of these conditions include a delusional belief that it’s the end of the world, a disorientation that’s beyond the liberal norm, an unhealthy obsession with following every liberal news channel’s apocalypse of the day, a deep sense of anxiety and dread, and being prone to unhinged hissy fits if anyone dares to besmirch the sterling reputation of either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama.… Continue Reading

Mrs. Ives Heads to Springfield

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The Intolerance of the Radical Left

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Democrats are Now Officially the Party of Death

Written by Jason Jones and John Zimrak

There is no more room in the Democratic party for pro-life Americans. The chairman of the Democratic National Committee has made that clear. As clear as the water Pontius Pilate used to wash his hands. Townhall reports:

Top Democrats recently told their party to get in line with their radical abortion agenda or step aside. As a way to bury the controversy over the Democrat National Committee campaigning with a Democratic mayoral candidate, Heath Mello, who once voted for pro-life legislation, DNC Chair Tom Perez and Sen.

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Happy Labor Day!

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Obama’s Priorities

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Honest Abe

Abe LincolnContinue Reading

Obama Too Busy for France

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