Category: Media Watch

“Pride Month” is Officially a Religion: Twitter CEO Shamed Into Disavowing Chik-fil-A Visit

In April, Babylon Bee published a satirical op-ed entitled: “You Either Die An SJW, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become A Bigot”

The “author” of the piece was Starbucks Executive Chair Howard Schultz. The op-ed mocked how Starbucks was shamed into closing all of its 8,000 stores because leftist social justice warriors claimed that one Philadelphia store manager’s decision meant the entire company was full of racists.

This is the same Starbucks which endorsed left-wing ideologies on LGBT issues long before they were popular.… Continue Reading

Deconstructing Young Minds

Written by Robert Knight

Since November 2016, the Deep State and its media allies have spent considerable time and money cultivating animus toward President Trump and the Republican-led Congress among younger voters.

Many Millennials came unglued in the wake of the election and still are.  The Left is counting on their turning out to elect progressives in November.  Social media bristle with anti-Trump and anti-conservative invectives, and some of it spills over into anti-American rants.

As author William J.Continue Reading

‘Fake News’ Is Not a Fake Term

Written by David Limbaugh

The left and Trump-opposing right are predictably annoyed at President Trump’s persistent description of the liberal media as “fake news.” Like it or not, the term as he uses it has merit.

Trump’s opponents hysterically claim he threatens the free press when he uses that term to describe them, just as they accuse him of other alleged abuses of constitutional power. In fact, unlike President Obama, Trump has governed within his constitutional authority.… Continue Reading

Does CNN Really Have Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Maybe it’s a matter of timing. Maybe I’m not giving this a fair shake. But whenever I happen to tune in to CNN, there’s a panel of talking heads discussing President Trump and the porn star. Or President Trump and the Mueller investigation. Or President Trump and whether he’ll be impeached.

Or President Trump and Jerusalem. Or President Trump and Saudi Arabia. Or President Trump and Iran. Or President Trump and North Korea.… Continue Reading

Beware of The Dog

Written by Jonathan Clay de Hale

Is it ever right for Christians to describe evil in unflattering terms?

Judging by the hyperbolic angst of the political left and the mainstream media, you’d have thought that President Donald Trump had called Prince Louis Arthur Charles an ugly baby. But you’d be wrong, because all he did was call MS-13 gang members “animals.”

MS-13 is a criminal gang whose motto is “Kill. Rape. Control.” and they are responsible for some of the most violent crimes in the United States.… Continue Reading

The Biggest Threat to America’s Future Is the Media

Written by Rick Hayes

The United States of America is by far the most powerful nation on Planet Earth, spending about as much on defense as the entire rest of the world.  According to a report on globalization from Credit Suisse, the U.S. has maintained its position as the world’s strongest military.  As an example, although Russia has the most substantial number of tanks, approximately 15,000, with the U.S. coming in at around 8,000, the U.S.… Continue Reading

America Has Always Been Politically Divided

Written by Pat Hickey

You got that right, Al.

Party-line, lock-step, propaganda-swallowing Americans have been with us always. New York Loyalists wanted nothing to do with the Sons of Liberty, and now Deplorables and the Resistance spit at one another.

Can’t we all get along?

Nope. Never have.

When I was ten years old, Chicagoans had the choice of reading these daily newspapers:

  • Chicago American, 1900–1939 (became the Herald-American and then Today)
  • Chicago Daily News, 1876–1978
  • Chicago Sun-Times, 1948–present
  • Chicago Tribune, 1847–present
  • Chicago Defender, 1905–present
  • Southtown Economist 1906 to 2014 (swallowed by the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times News Group)

Now, at the ripe milestone of 66 years, this Chicagoan has the choice of not reading the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times.… Continue Reading

Return of the Feckless Chick-Fil-A-Phobes

Written by Michelle Malkin

Move over, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Another unhinged liberal pathology is back:


Perhaps, in the interest of public health, the CDC should launch a weekly C-F-A-P surveillance report to map the recurrence of this culturally infectious disease. Early-onset symptoms include fear of pressure-cooked poultry, allergic reaction to waffle potato fries and an irrational hatred of cow costumes. Anti-Christian prejudice and coastal elitism are common comorbidities associated with this debilitating progressive condition.

Ground zero for the latest outbreak?… Continue Reading

White House Bible Study Leader Criticized for Views on Homosexuality, Gender Roles, Catholic Church

Written by Michael Gryboski

The leader of a weekly Bible study that includes prominent members of the White House like Vice President Mike Pence and Attorney General Jeff Sessions is garnering controversy for his views on social and religious issues.

Ralph Drollinger, a former basketball player-turned-pastor who oversees Capitol Ministries, which ministers to public officials, oversees the Bible study every Wednesday.

On Sunday, the BBC published a report that was critical of the Bible study, and put a spotlight on Drollinger’s views, such as his biblical views on homosexuality and complementarianism.… Continue Reading

Southern Poverty Law Center Is a Hate Group

Written by Josh Goldstein

Like many leftist organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, started out with good intentions. It was founded in 1971 by Morris Dees and Joseph Levin and is headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama.  The Southern Poverty Law Center rightly condemned, as did conservatives such as the great William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan, the American Nazi Party and the Democrat-affiliated Ku Klux Klan.

A favorite SPLC tactic was suing Klan affiliated organizations for their crimes and then distributing the money to the victims.  … Continue Reading