Category: Crime Culture

The Pandemic of De-Incarceration

Written by Daniel Horowitz

People are sitting in solitary confinement in the D.C. jail for a year for trespassing on public property on Jan. 6, yet in Chicago, nearly 90 murder suspects are out on bail.

Last Monday, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart revealed that in his county alone, 90 murder suspects, 40 people charged with attempted murder, and 852 people charged with aggravated gun possession are out free on bail indefinitely, waiting for their trials.… Continue Reading

New Justice Department Report: Prison Rates Plummeting, Lowest Level Since 1992

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Why is there a record number of criminals on the streets? Well, if they are being removed from the prisons, where else do you think they will land?

It’s not enough for Republicans to only focus on funding the police. What point is there in funding the police if prosecutors, judges, and new laws from the legislature will just let out all the repeat violent offenders? A new Bureau of Justice Statistics report easily sheds light on why there is so much rampant crime in the streets.… Continue Reading

The Crisis of Violent Criminals Out on Bail and Parole is Worse Than You Think

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In case you thought the endless catch-and-release of Darrell Brooks, the suspect in the Waukesha parade massacre who reportedly killed 6 and injured 60, was an aberration, think again. It’s a rampant problem in all 50 states, particularly in Indiana.

Last week, 20-year-old Deonta Williams was arrested on two counts of attempted murder after he allegedly stabbed two Indianapolis police officers near the Indiana State Fairgrounds on Wednesday. Williams told investigators that he lured the officers to the area by calling in a fake report of a white man harassing him.… Continue Reading

Chicago: Shrinks Will Answer 911 Calls. Cops Shoot Too Many Crazy People

Written by R. Cort Kirkwood

As Chicago braces for another weekend of wanton gunfire, mayhem, and murder, the city has announced that headshrinkers will answer 911 calls for “mental health emergencies.”

In other words, the Sun-Times reported, if someone calls 911 because his neighbor crows “I’m cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” in the wee, small hours every morning, a burly cop with a stun gun and a Glock 9mm might not be the right medicine.… Continue Reading

As Criminals Take Advantage of Hands-Off Justice System, Feds Clamp Down on Political Prisoners

Written by Daniel Horowitz

For the past decade, I’ve been trying to raise awareness about the harms of the weak-on-crime policies being advocated by both parties. As crime continues to surge, even the most violent career criminals are released on little or no bail, a growing phenomenon that is responsible for most of the violent crimes committed in the country. The insipid mantra of the de-incarceration crowd is that we shouldn’t lock people up for low-level offenses.… Continue Reading

This Fall’s Biggest Crime is Thanksgiving

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Thanksgiving and Christmas might be canceled for the first time ever by tyrannical governors and mayors, but they won’t cancel the weekend shootouts that are increasingly victimizing children in major cities. Those shootings tend to be the worst over holiday weekends. Yet, in what has become the ultimate dystopian governing outcome, our elected officials are criminalizing life itself while greenlighting violent criminal activity.

The Philadelphia mayor recently announced with the flick of a pen that all indoor gatherings would be canceled for the remainder of the calendar year.… Continue Reading

Out-of-Control Violence and Chaos in Chicago

Written by David E. Smith

On Monday morning we were greeted with more alarming news from the City of Chicago: 100 people arrested and 13 Chicago Police Officers injured after groups of rioters unleashed chaos, smashed windows, and looted stores. They targeted Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district and other parts of the city’s downtown. That news comes in addition to the “other” news that at least 35 people were shot and 3 killed in weekend gang violence.… Continue Reading

100,000 Criminals Released Under Coronavirus Jailbreak Despite Lower Fatality Rate in Prison

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Some localities are now threatening jail time for people who do not wear masks under the unproven science of stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The contorted irony is that this same virus is being used as a pretext to release criminals from jails and prisons to stop an epidemic in confined areas. Well, it turns out there is a lower death rate from COVID-19 in jails than in the general population. Consequently, the coronavirus bloodbath in jails and prisons has not materialized, but the spike in crime from prisoners’ release certainly has.… Continue Reading

The Chicago Funeral Shooting Shows Yet Again How Black Lives Don’t Matter to Politicians

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Where are all the frantic press releases from every corporation in America amid the worst mass shooting of black people in Chicago’s recent memory? Where are the protests? The demands for more prison time? More cops? Or, if you only get your news from superficial corporate media sources, perhaps you don’t know what I’m talking about.

While most people bring flowers and tissues to funerals, that is not the Chicago way. There, they bring guns. … Continue Reading

America Has Become One Mass Crime Scene, And The Victims Are Black Children

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Sadly, fireworks were not the only munitions shot over the July 4 weekend. Statues weren’t the only things felled by anarchists and criminals roaming free in the streets. This weekend was a bloody one across the country, with endless shootings in America’s cities, including New York City, which was considered the safest American city for a generation. Once again, African-American victims, including a number of young children, paid the price while the anarchy was excused and even legitimized by the media and politicians.… Continue Reading