Category: Federal Issues

Roe v. Wade Is A ‘Jealous God’ That Demands Blood And Generates Rage

Written by Tom Neven

Is there a constitutional principle so sacrosanct that it can abide no exceptions? Perhaps the First Amendment? Nope. Courts have placed reasonable restrictions on free speech and the practice of religion. You can’t libel someone, nor can you sacrifice live animals. The Second Amendment? No again, as any number of gun laws attest. One can find reasonable exceptions to just about every constitutional principle.

But 43 years ago, trawling through the penumbra and emanations of the Constitution, Justice Harry Blackmun found an inviolable right that had somehow evaded the Founding Fathers: the right to kill a child in utero—mere inches from being fully born, even—for any reason or no reason.

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7 Things You Need To Know About Incoming RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel

Written by Aaron Bandler

Ronna Romney McDaniel has officially been named as the new chair of the Republican National Committee.

“I am a mom from Michigan,” McDaniel said in Tuesday’s RNC meeting. “I am an outsider. And I am here to make Donald Trump and Republicans everywhere successful.”

McDaniel also criticized the Democrat Party as an “elite, coastal, redistributionist Party of the status quo” and hailed the Republican Party as “the national, opportunity for everyone, party of change.”

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The $20 Trillion Question Republicans MUST Answer

Guy with thought bubble saying The Big Question

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Obama’s parting gift to this country is a transformed society with $20 trillion in debt. The big question is what will Republicans do differently to curb the growth of the debt?

Given recent news about GOP plans on health care and infrastructure, there are no signs things will improve. Meanwhile, the Government Accountability Office has released a new “fiscal health” study, which portends disturbing trends for our fiscal stability.

The gross federal debt now stands at $19.94 trillion — roughly $9.3 trillion more than it was when Obama took office.

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The One Act that Defined President Barack Obama

Image result for little sisters of the poor obama

Written by Peter Heck

How appropriate it was that President Obama delivered his farewell address from Chicago, the crime capital of America … for it is indeed his crime against a humble group of nuns that will be forever etched in many people’s memory.

I was unable to watch President Obama’s Farewell Address last Tuesday night delivered appropriately in the crime capital of the country, Chicago, Illinois.  That didn’t break my heart because I found myself indifferent to the spectacle for a number of reasons.… Continue Reading

CBO Confirms Fake Repeal of Obamacare Would Increase Premiums

doctor with gloves and a shot

Written by Daniel Horowitz

What happens when Republicans pursue a half-baked repeal of Obamacare and sell it to the public as full repeal of Obamacare? Premiums go up because of the core Obamacare provisions left behind, yet that increase will be blamed on the false pretense that Obamacare was indeed repealed.

Earlier this week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a budgetary and economic score of the presumptive GOP plan to “replace” Obamacare. CBO concluded that not only will premiums fail to decrease, but will increase by 20-25% and 27 million more people would be uninsured.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham Unveil Bill to Defund UN


Written by Michael Qazvini

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) hit the morning television circuit Thursday to unveil their new bill to defund the United Nations.

Standing shoulder to shoulder and smiling, the two national security-minded lawmakers appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Fox News’ Fox and Friends to detail a plan that would block taxpayer dollars from funding the corrupt international body.

In citing last month’s egregious anti-Israel UN Security Resolutions as a major source of dismay in the senate, they drew a clear ideological line in the sand between the Obama administration and Congress.… Continue Reading

The Pathetic End of the Obama Era

Written by Michael Brendan Dougherty

Barack Obama came into the White House in a cloud of glory and optimism.

He defined the problems that the nation faced in his first inaugural address. First, the nation was at war with a network of violence and hatred. Second, our economy was badly weakened. Homes were lost, and businesses shuttered. Health care was too expensive. Schools failed their students. And finally, “less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable.”… Continue Reading

The Lame Duck Restraint Act

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Written by Bruce Walker

The American presidency has historically been accorded a unique place in national and international politics.  The office combines the head of state with the head of government, which no other major nation has done.  Moreover, we have retained the “Lame Duck” period between national elections, again something that no other major nation has done.  Finally, Congress has granted (I would argue beyond its power to grant) effective quasi-legislative powers to the president through a variety of means.… Continue Reading

The U.N. vs. Israel

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Written by Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader (including all the dudes in this coffee shop with man-buns),

As Michael Moore’s proctologist says at every appointment, “I’d really rather not do this today, but it’s my job.”

I’m in Dallas, killing myself to “finish” my book. I put “finish” in air quotes (while I put actual Finnish people in a pit in my basement, “It puts the herring in the basket or it gets the hose again”) not just because there’s so much left to do and so little time to do it in, but because even after I’m “done” my editor is going to walk around this enormous pile of paper staring at it like a farmer slowly circling a meteorite that landed in his wheat field, incapable of processing why it looks like a smoking, irradiated replica of Dom DeLouise in a sailor suit.… Continue Reading

Obama Runs $100M Vacation Tab on Taxpayers


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

President Barack Obama’s legacy of running up the tab for taxpayers during his family’s exorbitant and frequent vacations is projected to reach an excess of $100 million before the close of his two terms as president – putting a strain on the economy, military ad Secret Service.

As the Obamas finish up nearly two weeks of vacation in Hawaii over the holidays – with their White House stay coming to an end – the president’s hypocrisy is becoming increasingly evident.… Continue Reading