Category: Federal Issues

Bernie Sanders Exposes His Anti-Christian Bigotry

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) revealed why he is unfit for office. During his shameful inquisition of Russell Vought (a Wheaton College graduate), who is Trump’s nomination for the position of deputy director of the Office for Management and Budget (OMB), Sanders demanded that Vought’s nomination be rescinded because Vought believes and said that Muslims have a “deficient theology.”

Writing in response to comments made by former and controversial Wheaton associate professor Larycia Hawkins, Vought said, “[Muslims] do not know God because they have rejected Jesus Christ his Son, and they stand condemned.”Continue Reading

How Many Americans Does Obamacare Kill Each Day?

Written by Ben Voth

In 2015, something unexpected and unusual happened to the United States. For the first time since 1993, life expectancy in the United States declined. The decline was significant and extensive. Life expectancy is one of the most basic indicators of human health and the United States is one of the most advanced nations in the world. The decline should be causing a careful consideration of its causes and potential solutions. This is largely being ignored by our intellectual leadership for a rather obvious reason: the Affordable Care Act that promised to make health insurance more affordable and available for Americans.… Continue Reading

Vote Fraud Oughta Be a Crime

Written by Robert Knight

Joseph Stalin is credited with observing that, “It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

Over the last two decades the Left has been changing both the rules of our election process and America’s demographics to suit their political agenda.

A perfect example is Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s brazen attempt to get more than 200,000 convicted felons onto the state’s voter rolls in time for the last election.… Continue Reading

Contact Kinzinger To Defund Planned Parenthood

Written by Chris Iverson

We’re flooding U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger’s office in Washington D.C. with calls urging him to vote YES on the AHCA!

Call U.S. Representative Kinzinger at (202) 225-3635 and say:

“I want to urge Representative Kinzinger to vote YES on the AHCA!”

The AHCA will defund Planned Parenthood for one year, cutting 33 percent of their revenue! It can only defund the abortion clinic chain for one year due to Senate rules. This will be a major pro-life victory, but there are a handful of Republicans who have not committed to voting yes yet.… Continue Reading

6 Reasons To Be Skeptical of RINO Tax ‘Reform’

Written by Daniel Howowitz

“We must do ‘something’ on health care so we can get to tax reform. Now!”

This is the latest rage and clamor among the big donors, lobbyists, and consultants within the less intelligent arm of the Democrat Party, otherwise known as the GOP.

The entire argument is built upon a false premise and will not result in sound policy unless conservatives grab the mantle on tax policy away from the party establishment.… Continue Reading

Trump Picks Pro Life Heritage Foundation Alum to Lead HHS Civil Rights Office

Written by Joshua Denton

In a move vigorously applauded by social conservatives and simultaneously denounced by same-sex “marriage” advocates, President Donald Trump has appointed Roger Severino to head the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights.

Severino formerly served as the Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. As Director, his three main focuses where on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues.

His track record of defending religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life go further back then his time at the Heritage Foundation.… Continue Reading

Fake Justice and the Rise of a New Religion


Written by Robert Knight

Post-modern progressives, contrary to popular belief, are not irreligious. They worship at the altar of government power, lifting the chalice of “diversity” and eating the bread of “tolerance.”

Under their arms they carry certain portions of the U.S. Constitution, plus copies of court rulings that are considered sacred and “settled” – but only if they advance progressive notions of progress. All others are open to revision.

For example, progressives have pledged to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling that recognizes the individual right to collective political speech in unions and nonprofits.… Continue Reading

Durbin’s Ignorant and Anti-Catholic Ideology

Written by Laurie Higgins

This week, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) went after after SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch for studying under the remarkable John M. Finnis.


I wonder if Durbin has read anything by Finnis or even knew his name before Gorsuch was nominated?

Sen. Durbin actually suggested that anyone involved in high levels of government dare not study under Professor Finnis who splits his time between Oxford University in England and the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, is considered one of the foremost Natural Law scholars, and who holds theologically orthodox Catholic beliefs on homoeroticism and marriage.Continue Reading

Obamacare vs. Obamacare Lite

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois families have been devastated by Obamacare through rising premiums and higher deductibles. In rural areas of our state, fewer insurers mean less competition and an increase in costs even as choice is limited.

Apparently, we must remind U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and the political leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives that the National Republican Platform calls for the repeal of Obamacare and that many Congressional Republicans ran on a platform of appealing this big government mandate and program.… Continue Reading

GOP Replaces ObamaCare with SwampCare

GOP Replaces ObamaCare with SwampCare

Written by Bryan Fisher

Well, now we know why the GOP establishment kept their ObamaCare replacement package locked in a room where not even GOP senators could read it. Everyone naturally wondered what they were hiding, and now we know. They were hiding it because it is a horrible, no good, very bad piece of legislation.

If it repeals ObamaCare in any meaningful sense (and it doesn’t), it only replaces it with something as bad if not worse.… Continue Reading